alert() | |
applicationCache | Deprecated |
back() | Non-Standard, Deprecated |
blur() | |
cancelAnimationFrame() | Experimental |
cancelIdleCallback() | |
captureEvents() | Non-Standard |
clearImmediate() | |
close() | |
closed | |
confirm() | |
console | The console object. |
convertPointFromNodeToPage() | Non-Standard |
convertPointFromPageToNode() | Non-Standard |
createImageBitmap() | Creates an instance of an ImageBitmap from one of the following sources: HTMLImageElement , SVGImageElement , HTMLVideoElement , HTMLCanvasElement , Blob , ImageData , ImageBitmap , OffscreenCanvas , VideoFrame . |
customElements | Returns a CustomElementRegistry interface. |
defaultStatus | Deprecated |
devicePixelRatio | Number of physical pixels that represent a logical (or CSS) pixel. The value 1 represents a classic 96 DPI display, 2 is expected for HiDPI/Retina displays. See also the method WebGLRenderer.setPixelRatio() in three.js. |
dialogArguments | Deprecated |
document | |
dump() | Non-Standard |
event | |
fetch() | Returns a Response object. Part of the Fetch API. (See demonstration of the asynchronicity of fetch()) |
find() | Non-Standard |
focus() | |
forward() | Non-Standard, Deprecated |
frameElement | |
frames | |
fullScreen | Non-Standard |
getComputedStyle() | |
getDefaultComputedStyle() | |
getSelection() | |
history | A reference to a History object |
innerHeight and innerWidth | return the size of the browser-window's viewport. |
length | |
localStorage , sessionStorage | References to Storage objects |
location | See also Node.baseURI and document.documentURI . |
locationbar , personalbar , scrollbars | References to BarProp objects. |
matchMedia() | TODO: This method seems to be somehow related to the @media CSS at-rule. |
menubar | |
Methods | |
moveBy() | |
moveTo() | |
mozInnerScreenX | |
mozInnerScreenY | |
mozPaintCount | Non-Standard, Deprecated |
name | |
navigator | A reference to a Navigator object |
ondragdrop | Deprecated |
open() | |
openDialog() | Non-Standard |
opener | |
outerHeight | |
outerWidth | |
pageXOffset , pageYOffset , scrollX , scrollY | pageXOffset is an alias for scrollX , pageYOffset an alias for scrollY . |
parent | A reference to (another?) Window object |
postMessage() | |
print() | |
prompt() | |
PublicKeyCredential | See also navigator.credentials |
releaseEvents() | Non-Standard |
requestAnimationFrame() | |
requestFileSystem() | Non-Standard, Deprecated |
requestIdleCallback() | |
resizeBy() | |
resizeTo() | |
screen | A reference to a Screen object |
screenLeft , screenTop , screenX , screenY | screenLeft is an alias for screenX , screenTop an alias for screenY . The values correspond to the vertical/horizontal distance, measured in CSS pixels, from the the browser's viewport to the edges of the screen. |
scroll() | |
scrollBy() | |
scrollByLines() | Non-Standard |
scrollByPages() | Non-Standard |
scrollMaxX | Non-Standard |
scrollMaxY | Non-Standard |
scrollTo() | |
self | A (WindowProxy ) reference to the window instance. Compare with WorkerGlobalScope.self . |
setImmediate() | Non-Standard |
showDirectoryPicker() | |
showModalDialog() | Deprecated |
showOpenFilePicker() | |
showSaveFilePicker() | |
sidebar | Non-Standard |
sizeToContent() | |
speechSynthesis | |
status | |
statusbar | |
stop() | |
toolbar | |
top | |
updateCommands() | |
visualViewport | The Visual Viewport WebAPI, viewports in mobile browsers. |
window | |