Search notes:

SQL Developer user information directory: SystemV.W.X.Y.Z/o.sqldeveloper/product-preferences.xml

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<ide:preferences xmlns:ide="">
   <hash n="CodeEditorBookmarkOptions">
   <hash n="CodingStyleProfiles">
      <hash n="Java Code Conventions">
      <hash n="JDeveloper Classic">
   <hash n="DBConfig">
   <hash n="DebugWindowOptions">
   <hash n="DisplayOptions">
   <hash n="FontSizeOptions">
   <hash n="HelpOptions">
   <hash n="MRUConnectionCache">
   <hash n="oracle.bali.xml.add.schema.SchemaOptionsPrefs">



Values stored under DBConfig

Some values that can be configued under the DBConfig section are described below:

Connection startup script

Among others, this file stores the Filename for connection startup script which can be configured under the menu Tools -> Preferences -> Database
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<ide:preferences xmlns:ide="">
   <hash n="DBConfig">
      <value n="" v="C:\Users\Rene\github\Oracle\SQLPATH\login.sql"/>
      <hash n="EXTENSION"/>
      <value n="GLOGIN" v="true"/>

NLS Settings

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<ide:preferences xmlns:ide="">
   <hash n="DBConfig">
      <value n="NLS_DATE_FORM"  v="yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss"       />
      <value n="NLS_TS_FORM"    v="yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ssXff"    />
      <value n="NLS_TS_TZ_FORM" v="yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ssXff tzr"/>
These NLs settings can be changed in SQL Developer under the menu Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> NLS

Displaying NULL values

The section <hash n="DBConfig> also allows to configure how null values are displayed in the Select-Result-Grid:
<hash n="DBConfig">
   <value n="NULLDISPLAY" v="_na_"/>
This value can be configured under the menu Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Advanced

Using unshared connections on new worksheets

The value of the option New Worksheet to use unshared connection, found under Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Worksheet, is stored like so
<hash n="DBConfig">
   <value n="UNSHAREDWORKSHEETOPEN" v="true"/>

Single click opening an object

The value of OPEN_ON_SINGLE_CLICK determines if a single click is sufficient to open an object.
<hash n="DBConfig">
   <value n="OPEN_ON_SINGLE_CLICK" v="false"/>
In the GUI, this value can be changed under Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Object Viewer.

Default path to look for scripts

<hash n="DBConfig">
  <value n="DEFAULTPATH" v="C:\users\rene\oracle\sql-statements" />
In the GUI, this value can be configured under Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Worksheet, option Select default path to look for scripts.

Kerberos related settings

<hash n="DBConfig">
  <value n="KERBEROS_CONFIG" v="c:\oracle\network\admin\krb5.conf" />
  <value n="KERBEROS_CACHE " v="XYZAB://"                          />


Font size

The FontSizeOptions section stores the currently set font and its size:
   <hash n="FontSizeOptions">
      <value n="fontFamily"         v="Liberation Mono" />
      <value n="fontSize"           v="21"              />
      <value n="showOnlyFixedWidth" v="true"            />
With the GUI, these values can be set under Tools -> Preferences -> Code Editor -> Fonts

The value of is a UUID that is used to encrypt and decrypt passwords before they're written into o.jdeveloper.db.connection/connections.json
<value n="" v="01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef"/>

Third Party JDBC drivers

JDBC drivers that were added under Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Third Party JDBC Drivers are listed in the product-preferences.xml file like so:
  <list n="TPDRIVER">
     <url path="../../../../../bin/sqldeveloper/jdbc/lib/jtds-1.3.3.jar" jar-entry=""/>

PowerShell script to modify product-preferences.xml

product-preferences.ps1 is a PowerShell script that modifies product-preferences.xml in order to automate configuration of Oracle SQL Developer.

See also

The function get-SQLDeveloperUserPreferencesFileName of the SQL Developer PowerShell module.
