Search notes:

SQL Developer: Tools -> Preferences -> Database

Filename for connection startup script

The Filename for connection startup script value allows to specify the path of an SQL script that is executed when SQL Developer opens a new database connection.
As per that Jeff Smith, it might contain at least set serveroutput on to enable dbms_output by default.
This value is stored in systemV.W.X.Y.Z/o.sqldeveloper/product-preferences.xml.
Compare with
On the command line, the location of the startup script can be queried or set using the SQL Developer PowerShell module, functions get-SQLDeveloperStartupScript and set-SQLDeveloperStartupScript P:\ath\to\xyz.

Example script

set   serveroutput on   format wrapped
set   pages        5000
alter session set  plsql_warnings='enable:all';
