Search notes:

SQL Developer user information directory: SystemV.W.X.Y.Z/o.jdeveloper.db.connection/connections.json

o.jdeveloper.db.connection/connections.json stores the information that is required by SQL developer to establish a connection to a database.
The content of the JSON file is similar to the following snippet (which is redacted and commented for clarity - especially note that comments are not allowed in a JSON file…):
         "role"                   :""                                        ,  // or "SYSDBA" …
         "SavePassword"           :"true"                                    ,
         "OracleConnectionType"   :"BASIC"                                   ,
         "PROXY_TYPE"             :"USER NAME"                               ,
         "RaptorConnectionType"   :"Oracle"                                  ,
         "serviceName"            :"Ora19",                                  ,  // or "sid":
         "customUrl"              :"jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/Ora19",
         "oraDriverType"          :"thin"                                    ,
         "NoPasswordConnection"   :"TRUE"                                    ,
         "password"               :"****"                                    ,
         "hostname"               :"localhost"                               ,
         "driver"                 :"oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"                ,
         "port"                   :"1521"                                    ,
         "subtype"                :"oraJDBC"                                 ,
         "OS_AUTHENTICATION"      :"false"                                   ,
         "IS_PROXY"               :"false"                                   ,
         "KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION":"false"                                   ,
         "PROXY_USER_NAME"        :""                                        ,
         "user"                   :"rene"

Stored passwords

The passwords that are found in this file are encrypted with the value of which is found in o.sqldeveloper/product-preferences.xml.
See also Oracle SQL Developer password decryptor.

See also

The function get-SQLDeveloperUserConnectionsFileName of the SQL Developer PowerShell module.
