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Sysinternals tool: Procmon / Procmon64

Procmon.exe (or its 64-bit version Procmon64.exe allow to record and display events. Such events are

Interesting keyobard shortcuts

ctrl-T show process tree
ctrl-L manage filters
ctrl-X remove events
ctrl-E Enable/disable event gathering
ctrl-K Shows call stack at the time of the event

Filter rules

The filter rules are stored in the registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sysinternals\Process Monitor
Different filters can be given a name and stored and retrieve. If given such a name, the ilter rules can be ex- and imported into/from a *.PMF file.

Display call stack of an event

Procmon is even able to show the the call stack that lead to an event. This functionality is opened with ctrl-K.
The dialog must be read bottom up.

See also

procexp, the process explorer, and pslist.
