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Install SysInternals tools with Chocolatey

choco install -y sysinternals

Access newest executable with WebDAV

The newest sysinternal executables are hosted on which can be accessed via WebDAV.
Thus, in PowerShell, it's possible to map a file system drive to that location:
new-psDrive -name S -psProvider fileSystem -root   '\\\Tools'
After this mapping, the executables are found under the s: drive.

Download some interesting Sysinternal executables

The tools are downloaded into the $binPath directory (thus the variable must point to a valid directory, such as %UserProfile\bin.
In order to prevent Exception calling "DownloadFile" with "2" argument(s): "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.", TLS1.2(?) needs to be enabled:
net.servicePointManager::securityProtocol = [net.securityProtocolType]::Tls12
Create a web client…
$ua = new-object
… and download the files:
# $binPath = "$env:userprofile\bin"
$binPath = "$($env:homedrive)$($env:homepath)\bin" # Two backslashes?
$binPath = "$($env:homedrive)$($env:homepath)bin"

$ua.downloadFile(""     , "$binPath\accesschk64.exe"     )
$ua.downloadFile(""      , "$binPath\AccessEnum.exe"      )
$ua.downloadFile(""      , "$binPath\Autoruns64.exe"      )
$ua.downloadFile(""      , "$binPath\Autoruns64.dll"      )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\Bginfo64.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\Coreinfo.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile(""         , "$binPath\Diskmon.exe"         )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\handle64.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile(""       , "$binPath\hex2dec64.exe"       )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\Listdlls.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile("" , "$binPath\logonsessions64.exe" )
$ua.downloadFile(""      , "$binPath\ntfsinfo64.exe"      )
$ua.downloadFile(""       , "$binPath\procexp64.exe"       )
$ua.downloadFile(""       , "$binPath\Procmon64.exe"       )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\PsExec64.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile(""      , "$binPath\PsGetsid64.exe"      )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\PsInfo64.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\pskill64.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile(""        , "$binPath\pslist64.exe"        )
$ua.downloadFile(""      , "$binPath\pspasswd64.exe"      )
$ua.downloadFile(""     , "$binPath\PsService64.exe"     )
$ua.downloadFile(""          , "$binPath\RAMMap.exe"          )
$ua.downloadFile(""         , "$binPath\regjump.exe"         )
$ua.downloadFile("" , "$binPath\RootkitRevealer.exe" )
$ua.downloadFile(""      , "$binPath\ShellRunas.exe"      )
$ua.downloadFile(""         , "$binPath\strings.exe"         )
$ua.downloadFile(""         , "$binPath\Tcpview.exe"         )
$ua.downloadFile(""           , "$binPath\Vmmap.exe"           )
$ua.downloadFile(""         , "$binPath\whois64.exe"         )
$ua.downloadFile(""          , "$binPath\Winobj.exe"          )
$ua.downloadFile(""          , "$binPath\ZoomIt.exe"          )

Accept EULA

function accept-Sysinternals-eula {

    param (
      [string] $utilName

    $regKey = "HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\" + $utilName

    new-item         -path $regKey -force
    new-itemProperty -path $regKey -name "EulaAccepted" -propertyType DWord -value 1

TODO: The function accept-Sysinternals-eula is rather verbose when run.
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'AccessChk'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'AutoRuns'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'BGInfo'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Coreinfo'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Handle'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Hex2Dec'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'ListDLLs'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'LogonSessions'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'NTFSInfo'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Process Explorer'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Process Monitor'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'PsExec'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'PsGetSid'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'PsInfo'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'PsKill'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'PsList'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'PsPasswd'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'PsService'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Regjump'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'RootkitRevealer'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Share Enum'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'ShellRunas - Sysinternals:'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Strings'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'VMMap'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Whois'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'Winobj'
accept-Sysinternals-eula 'ZoomIt'

Source Code

The source code for the Sysinternals Tools used to be available, but is not anymore. There is a github repository that stored the source code before it was taken down: xcud/sysinternals-source.
That said, Microsoft provides the source code for Linux Ports of ProcDump and ProcMon.


AccessEnum, DiskMon, Process Monitor, Process Explorer, Handle

See also

Autoruns reveals which programs are run during Windows bootup or when a user logs in.
procexp, The process explorer.
Sysinternals tool: pslist: process information lister.
Winobj displays information on the NT Object Manager's name space.
sigcheck: File version and signature viewer
