Source code
' Support functions for Excel ranges
' V0.5
option explicit
public sub excelRangeAppend(byRef rng as range, rngAdded as range) ' {
if rng is nothing then
set rng = rngAdded
exit sub
end if
if not rngAdded is nothing then
set rng = excel.application.union(rng, rngAdded)
end if
end sub ' }
' { excelRangeResize
function excelRangeResize ( _
rng as range , _
optional topRel as long = 0, _
optional leftRel as long = 0, _
optional bottomRel as long = 0, _
optional rightRel as long = 0 _
) as range
' Function currently assumes that rng is rectangular and consists
' of one area.
' Test (for the time being) with
' excelRangeResize(selection, -1, 1, 1, -3).Interior.Color = rgb(100, 100, 255)
with rng.parent ' {
set excelRangeResize = .range ( _
.cells(rng.row + topRel , rng.column + leftRel ) , _
.cells(rng.row + rng.rows.count + bottomRel- 1 , rng.column + rng.columns.count + rightRel -1 ) _
end with ' }
end function ' }
function excelRangeExcludeHeader(rng as range) as range ' {
set excelRangeExcludeHeader = excelRangeResize(rng, topRel := 1)
end function ' }
public function excelRangeSubtract(rng as range, rngSub as range) as range ' {
' After an idea that I found in
if rng is nothing then
exit function
end if
if rngSub is nothing then
set excelRangeSubtract = rng
exit function
end if
dim rngCommon as range
set rngCommon = intersect(rng, rngSub)
if rngCommon is nothing then
' No overlap
set excelRangeSubtract = rng
elseIf rngCommon.address = rng.address then
' Total overlap
set excelRangeSubtract = nothing
' We have a partial overlap between the
' the two ranges.
' So, we iterate over each area of rng
' and subtract the common area from it.
' The result of each subtraction is accumulated
' in rngACcumulator.
dim rngACcumulator as range
dim rngArea as range
for each rngArea in rng.areas
if intersect(rngArea, rngCommon) is nothing then
excelRangeAppend rngACcumulator, rngArea
if rngArea.cells.count = 1 then
' Nothing to do?
dim rngPart_1 as range
dim rngPart_2 as range
if rngArea.rows.count > 1 then
' Split the range into a top and bottom half:
set rngPart_1 = rngArea.resize(rngArea.rows.count \ 2)
set rngPart_2 = rngArea.resize(rngArea.rows.count - rngPart_1.rows.count).offset(rngPart_1.Rows.Count)
' Split the range into a left and right half:
set rngPart_1 = rngArea.resize(, rngArea.columns.count \ 2)
set rngPart_2 = rngArea.resize(, rngArea.columns.count - rngPart_1.columns.count).offset(, rngPart_1.columns.count)
end if
excelRangeAppend rngACcumulator, excelRangeSubtract( rngPart_1, rngCommon )
excelRangeAppend rngACcumulator, excelRangeSubtract( rngPart_2, rngCommon )
end if
end if
next rngArea
set excelRangeSubtract = rngACcumulator
end if
end function ' }
public function excelRangeToJson(rng as range) as string ' {
dim ret as new stringBuffer
ret.init 10000
ret.append "["
dim r as long
for r = 1 to rng.rows.count
if r > 1 then
ret.append ","
end if
dim c as long
for c = 1 to rng.columns.count
if c > 1 then
ret.append ","
end if
ret.append replace(json_val(rng.cells(r,c).value), "\", "\\")
next c
ret.append "]"
next r
ret.append "]"
excelRangeToJson = ret
end function ' }
public sub excelRangeToolTip(rng as range, title as string, msg as string) ' {
with rng.validation ' {
.add type := xlValidateCustom, formula1 := "=true"
.inputTitle = title
.inputMessage = msg
.showInput = true
.showError = false
end with ' }
end sub ' }