The VBA module JSON is intended to store a few JSON related function.s
' V.1
option explicit
function json_val(val as variant) as string ' {
select case varType(val) ' {
case vbInteger, vbLong, vbSingle, vbDouble
json_val = val
case vbString
json_val = """" & replace(val, """", "\""") & """"
case vbDate
json_val = """" & dt_iso_8601(val) & """" ' format(val, "yyyy-mm-dd""T""HH:MM:SS")
case vbBoolean
json_val = lcase(val)
case vbEmpty
json_val = "null"
case else
msgBox "json_val: Unrecognized datatype " & typeName(val) & ", " & varType(val)
end select ' }
end function ' }
function json_key(name as variant) as string ' {
' Create something that can be used as a JSON-Key, for example:
' "keyValue":
json_key = json_val(name) & ":"
end function ' }
function json_name_value(name as string, val as variant) ' {
json_name_value = json_val(name) & ": " & json_val(val)
end function ' }