Search notes:

SQL Server: sql batch

Batches with syntax errors and batches with logical errors examine the effects of syntactical and logical errors on sql batches.

Some rules

execute statement

If the first statement of a batch calls a stored procudure, the execute statement is not required.

Combining create statements

Some object creation statements cannot be combined with other creation statement and need to be the first statement in a batch. Those are:
  • create default
  • create function
  • create procedure
  • create rule
  • create schema
  • create trigger
  • create view
Note that the create table statement is absent from this list!
The following works:
create procedure p2 as print 'p2';
execute p2;
The following does not work, it throws the error message MSG 111, Level 15, State 1… 'CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE' must be the first statement in a query batch:
drop   procedure if exists p2;
create procedure p2 as print 'p2';
execute p2;
This does work again:
drop   procedure if exists p2;
create procedure p2 as print 'p2';
execute p2;
This also works
drop   procedure if exists p2;
create procedure p2 as print 'p2';
execute p2;

set statements

The two set statements set showplan_text and set showplan_all can only by the only statement in a batch.

SQL handle

The text of each SQL batch is uniquely identified by the text's MD5 message digest. This value is a varbinary(64) and referred to as an SQL handle.
The text itself is stored in the SQL Manager Cache (SQLMGR) and can be queried with the SQL handle from sys.dm_exec_sql_text.

See also

Some settings (or at least quoted_identifier) are not retained across SQL batches.
In sqlcmd, the batch terminator can be changed with the -c option.
Using raisError() to exit an SQL script
