Search notes:

SQL Server: execute

execute executes
execute can be abbreviated with exec.
In SQL batches, execute is not required to execute a stored procedure if it is the first statement in the batch.

Execute a character string

execute (string) executes the value of a string is executed as (or in) a batch.
Note: the parentheses are required.
   @db_name     varchar(20) = db_name(),
   @table_name  varchar(20) = 'a_table';

   execute (
      ' use ' + @db_name +
      ' create table ' + @table_name + '(id integer)'

Execute a stored procedure

When executing a stored procedure, the parameters must not be enclosed in parentheses. In fact, there are no parentheses allowed because with parentheses, SQL Server tries to execute a character string.
create procedure greet_planet (
   @planet varchar(20) = 'world'
   print('Hello ' + @planet);

execute greet_planet
execute greet_planet 'Mars'
execute greet_planet @planet = 'Jupiter'

-- Cannot use paranthesis when execute stored procedure:
-- execute greet_planet(@planet = 'Saturn')

drop procedure greet_planet;
Github repository about-MSSQL, path: /t-sql/statements/execute/stored-procedure-without-parantheses.sql

See also

The system stored procedure sp_executesql that allows to execute a dynamically created SQL statement with parameters.
T-SQL statements
