alter_database_tab_monitoring | |
alter_schema_tab_monitoring | |
alter_stats_history_retention | |
cancel_advisor_task | |
cleanup_stats_job_proc | |
clob_to_varray | |
column_need_hist | |
configure_advisor_filter | |
configure_advisor_obj_filter | |
configure_advisor_opr_filter | |
configure_advisor_rule_filter | |
convert_raw_to_<datatype> | <datatype> is one of bin_double , bin_float , date , number , nvarchar , rowid , varchar2 . |
convert_raw_value | Converts values that are stored as raw to a human readable text. |
convert_raw_value_nvarchar | |
convert_raw_value_rowid | |
conv_raw | A function similar to the procedure convert_raw_value : it converts a raw value to a human readable text. |
copy_table_stats | |
create_advisor_task | |
create_extended_stats | |
create_stat_table , drop_stat_table | Create or drop a user statitics table. See importing and exporting statistics. |
delete_column_stats | |
delete_database_prefs | |
delete_database_stats | |
delete_dictionary_stats | |
delete_fixed_objects_stats | |
delete_index_stats | |
delete_pending_stats | |
delete_pending_system_stats | |
delete_processing_rate | |
delete_schema_prefs | |
delete_schema_stats | |
delete_system_stats | |
delete_table_prefs | |
delete_table_stats | |
diff_table_stats_in_history | |
diff_table_stats_in_pending | |
diff_table_stats_in_stattab | |
drop_advisor_task | |
drop_extended_stats | |
execute_advisor_task | |
export_column_stats | |
export_database_prefs | |
export_database_stats | |
export_dictionary_stats | |
export_fixed_objects_stats | |
export_index_stats | See importing and exporting statistics. |
export_pending_stats | |
export_pending_system_stats | |
export_schema_prefs | |
export_schema_stats | |
export_stats_for_dp | |
export_system_stats | |
export_table_prefs | |
export_table_stats | See importing and exporting statistics. |
flush_database_monitoring_info | Flush in-memmory monitoring information to the data dictionary. |
gather_database_stats | |
gather_database_stats_job_proc | |
gather_dictionary_stats | |
gather_fixed_objects_stats | But 29275347 seems to indicate that x$ktfbue is skipped when executing dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats . |
gather_index_stats | |
gather_processing_rate | |
gather_schema_stats | |
gather_st_job_continuous_proc | |
gather_system_stats | |
gather_table_stats | |
gather_table_stats_func | |
generate_index_stats | |
generate_stats | Generate statistics for objects that are derived from objects that have a certain amount of statistics. Deprecated in favor of gather_index_stats |
gen_selmap | |
get_advisor_opr_filter | |
get_advisor_recs | |
get_column_stats | |
get_compatible | |
get_index_stats | |
get_param | Deprecated in favor of get_prefs |
get_prefs | |
get_row_count_estimate | |
get_stats_history_availability | |
get_stats_history_retention | |
get_stat_tab_version | |
get_system_stats | |
get_table_stats | |
implement_advisor_task | |
import_column_stats | |
import_database_prefs | |
import_database_stats | |
import_dictionary_stats | |
import_fixed_objects_stats | |
import_index_stats | |
import_schema_prefs | |
import_schema_stats | |
import_stats_for_dp | |
import_system_stats | |
import_table_prefs | |
import_table_stats | |
init_package | |
interrupt_advisor_task | |
lock_partition_stats | |
lock_schema_stats | |
lock_table_stats | |
merge_col_usage | |
merge_stats_partition_exchange | |
postprocess_indstats | |
postprocess_stats | |
prepare_column_values | |
prepare_column_values_nvarchar | |
prepare_column_values_rowid | |
publish_pending_stats | |
publish_pending_system_stats | |
purge_stats | |
remap_stat_table | |
report_advisor_task | |
report_col_usage | |
report_gather_auto_stats | |
report_gather_database_stats | |
report_gather_dictionary_stats | |
report_gather_fixed_obj_stats | |
report_gather_schema_stats | |
report_gather_table_stats | |
report_single_stats_operation | |
report_stats_operations | |
reset_advisor_task | |
reset_col_usage | |
reset_global_pref_defaults | |
reset_param_defaults | deprecated in favor of reset_global_pref_defaults |
restore_database_stats | |
restore_dictionary_stats | |
restore_fixed_objects_stats | |
restore_schema_stats | |
restore_system_stats | |
restore_table_stats | |
resume_advisor_task | |
resume_gather_stats | |
save_inmemory_stats | |
script_advisor_task | |
seed_col_usage | Seeds column usage information from statements in the specified SQL tuning set or in the database |
set_advisor_task_parameter | |
set_column_stats | |
set_database_prefs | Specify default values for some parameters of some procedures of dbms_stats . |
set_global_prefs | Specify default values for some parameters of some procedures of dbms_stats . |
set_index_stats | |
set_index_stats | |
set_param | Deprecated in favor of set_global_prefs |
set_processing_rate | |
set_schema_prefs | Specify default values for some parameters of some procedures of dbms_stats . |
set_system_stats | |
set_table_prefs | Specify default values for some parameters of some procedures of dbms_stats . |
set_table_stats | |
show_extended_stats_name | |
to_no_invalidate_type | |
transfer_stats | |
unlock_partition_stats | |
unlock_schema_stats | |
unlock_table_stats | |
upgrade_stat_table | |
varray_to_clob | |
Common parameters statown, stattab and statid
The three parameters
, which are included in a number of procedures, allow to store the
statistics in table outside of the
data dictionary and allow to experiment with sets of statitistcs without affecting the
If these parameters are used with gather_*
procedures, Oracle will back up the current statistics in the specified table(s) before gathering new statistics.
statown | |
stattab | Name of the table to store the statistics |
statid | Allows to maintain multiple sets of statistics in one table so that the number of statistic-tables can be reduced in a schema |
These parameter names must not be confused with ownname
and tabname
of dbms_stats.gather_table_stats