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Oracle: SQL Execution Plan

An execution plan consists of the required steps and their dependency among each other that is needed to execute an SQL statement.
The step-dependency is hierarchical.
The execution steps are usually referred to as row sources or plan operations.
The execution plan is stored in the shared SQL area.


The optimizer's main goal is to generate the optimal execution plan for SQL statements.
SQL plan management monitors execution plans over time in order to check if they deteriorate.

Optimizer statistics

When the optimizer formulates a plan, it bases its decision on statistical numbers, commonly referred to as optimizer statistics.
Such statistical numbers include:


Hints allow a developer to override the execution plan that Oracle would have chosen otherwise.
If an SQL statement is not modifiable (for example because it is exectued from a 3rd party application), it is still possible to inject hints into the statement with SQL patches.

See also

Different SQL statements with the same execution plan (or at least the same plan hash value).
SQL execution plans for subqueries in where clauses.
With adaptive query optimization, the statement executor can adjust an SQL execution plan (which was created at compile-time) at run-time.
SQL plan directives store statistical information about past executions of an SQL statement. They're used to (hopefully) create a more optimal plan for a future execution of the SQL statement.
v$sql_plan and v$sql_plan_monitor
The STAT lines in a trace file.
The fixed tables x$xplton, x$xpltoo and x$kqlfxpl.
PLW-07204: conversion away from column type may result in sub-optimal query plan
Execution plans in SQL Server.
The SQL statements that are executed as part of a trigger is not recorded for the statement that fires the trigger.
Event 10132 dumps the plan after compilation of an SQL statement
Execution plan tests.
Different SQL statements with the same execution plan (or at least plan hash value).


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