A plan table can also be created by just executing the following create table statement:
create table PLAN_TABLE /* sharing=none */ (
statement_id varchar2(30) , -- The value that was given to the (optional) clause SET STATEMENT_ID in an explain plan statement
plan_id number , -- Uniquely identifies a plan (not a record). The value is taken from the sequence SYS.ORA_PLAN_ID_SEQ$,
timestamp date ,
remarks varchar2(4000),
operation varchar2(30) , -- Records the plan operation for this step except if id = 0 (first row in plan).
-- For the first row, operation contains the SQL statement type: DELETE STATEMENT, MERGE STATEMENT, SELECT STATEMENT, INSERT STATEMENT,
options varchar2(255) , -- Some operations have different execution options, for example the operation «INDEX» can be run
-- with option «FULL SCAN», «FAST FULL SCAN», «RANGE SCAN» etc.
object_node varchar2(128) , -- Name of database link or for parallel queries order in which output from operation is consumed
object_owner varchar2(128) ,
object_name varchar2(128) , -- Identifies the name of the object that is being accessed in the respective operation
object_alias varchar2(261) ,
object_instance numeric , -- Ordinal position of object as found in SQL statement (left to right, outer to inner).
-- View expansion number is unpredictable.
object_type varchar2(30) ,
optimizer varchar2(255) , -- In first row (statement line) in a plan: optimizer mode (ALL_ROWS, CHOOSE … ).
-- For other rows, the value ANALYZED indicates that the accessed object is analyzied
search_columns number , -- Number of index columns that can be used to match a predicate,
-- that is: the number of index columns with start and stop keys.
id numeric , -- Unique id for each record in given plan. Use this value to order the records of a plan with order by.
parent_id numeric ,
depth numeric ,
position numeric , -- First row in plan_table (id = 0): estimated cost (and equal to value in cost, see also here).
-- Other rows: relative position of children with same parent
cost numeric , -- cost = F(cpu_cust, io_cost). A cost of 1 is (apparently) equal to the time required to read a single block.
cardinality numeric ,
bytes numeric ,
partition_start varchar2(255) , -- PARTITION_START and PARTITION_STOP are used in combination
partition_stop varchar2(255) , -- with partition pruning.
partition_id numeric ,
other long , -- Text with select statements. For the plan operation remote, OTHER contains the SQL statement that is executed at the remote site.
distribution varchar2(30) , -- How rows are distributed from a producer query server to consumer query servers.
cpu_cost numeric ,
io_cost numeric ,
temp_space numeric , -- Estimated required temporary space for the operation, for example sort or hash join.
access_predicates varchar2(4000), -- Predicates that are used to locate rows, for example as start/stop predicates in an index range scan.
-- Only operations where access_predicates is filled seem to be INDEX, CONNECT BY, HASH JOIN and SORT
filter_predicates varchar2(4000), -- Predicates that are used to filter rows. compare with the plan operation FILTERprojection varchar2(4000),
time numeric , -- Estimated duration (in seconds) that SQL statements spends for this operation
qblock_name varchar2(128) , -- Name of query block (either generated or specified with the qb_name hint)
other_xml clob -- Additional, differently structured (hence XML), values for an execution step.
See also
This SQL statement creates a matrix of plan operations and columns in plan_table and can be used to which operators fill which column.
The plan table is (mis-)used to store temporary data by the sqlhc.sql script (so that the script does not have to install anything on the database when running).