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Oracle data types BLOB, CLOB and NCLOB

Clobs and blobs (commonly referred to as LOBs) are a set of data types that are designed to hold large amounts of (typically semi-structured or unstructured) data.
CLOB stands for character lob, BLOB for binary lob, LOB stands for large object.
A BLOB (as also raw and long raw) stores a sequence of bytes that is independent from an encoding. a clob also stores a sequence of bytes, but unlike in a blob, this sequence is interpreted within an encoding.
The SQL Server equivalent for clob is text and image for blobs.

LOB locator

A LOB locator is a (opaque?) data structure that allows to access the data of a LOB.
In a database table, the LOB locator is stored with the table rows but the actual LOB data might be stored in a separate storage (usually in a separate tablespace).
An empty LOB locator is returned by empty_blob() and empty_clob() or dbms_lob.createTemporary.
LOB locators can be manipulated with the dbms_lob package. In fact, all procedures and functions of this package must be called with a lob locator.

Three types of LOBs

There are three types of LOBs:
Persistent LOBs The data of persistent LOBs is stored with tables and are subject to transactions.
Temporary LOBs They reside in either a process's PGA or temporary tablespace, depending on their size.
BFILEs The data is stored in a file system.
LOBs returned from SQL or PL/SQL built-in functions are temporary LOBs.
v$temporary_lobs shows a session's number of temporary LOBs.

Internal and external LOBs

Because persistent and temporary LOBs are stored in the database, they're referred to as internal lobs.
BFILEs, on the other hand, are not stored in a database and are therefore referred to as external LOBs.
Available data types for internal LOBs are CLOB, NCLOB and BLOB.

LOB Index

Oracle creates an index for each LOB column. The name of these indexes start with SYS_IL and end with $$.
create table tq84_xyz (
   id  integer primary key,
   txt clob

   table_name  = 'TQ84_XYZ' and
   column_name = 'TXT';
-- SYS_IL0000107991C00002$$
The index is registered in the data dictionary:
select * from user_indexes where index_name = 'SYS_IL0000107991C00002$$';
But is has no ordinary columns, the following statement returns nothing:
select * from user_ind_columns where index_name = 'SYS_IL0000107991C00002$$';

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

When concatenating strings (varchar2) and the resulting length becomes larger than 64 KB, PL/SQL throws an ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small error message.
This error can be prevented when (at least) the first element in such a concatenation is a clob. In the following example, this is achieved using the to_clob(…) function:
create table tq84_clob (
   txt clob

   c clob;
   vc_32K_minus_1 varchar2(32767) := rpad('*', 32767, '*');

   c := vc_32K_minus_1 || vc_32K_minus_1;

      c := vc_32K_minus_1 || vc_32K_minus_1 || '**';
   exception when others then
   -- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

   c := to_clob(vc_32K_minus_1) || vc_32K_minus_1 || vc_32K_minus_1 || vc_32K_minus_1 || vc_32K_minus_1 || vc_32K_minus_1;

   insert into tq84_clob values(c);


select dbms_lob.getLength(txt) len_actual, 6*32767 len_expected from tq84_clob;

drop table tq84_clob;
Github repository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/datatypes/lob/ORA-06502.sql

Group by LOB columns not permitted

Oracle does not allow to group by LOB-columns:
create table tq84_grpby_clob (
  id number,
  txt clob

insert into tq84_grpby_clob values (1, 'foo');
The following select statement causes the error ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB:
group by


With JDBC 4.0, LOBs should be manipulated with the following interfaces and implementations: (which provide random access to the data)
Interface Implementation
java.sql.Blob oracle.sql.Blob
java.sql.Clob oracle.sql.clob
java.sql.NClob oracle.sql.NClob (In ojdbc6.jar)
See also $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib

Insert and select BLOC/CLOB examples

SQL*Loader example: load binary data (blob)
A .NET example that demonstrates the Microsoft/dot-net class Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleBlob and a PowerShell example that demonstrates writing a Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleClob to a file.
This Java/JDBC example inserts the content of (text-)files into CLOBs.
This SQLcl example puts an image (png) into a BLOB and then gets it again and stores it locally.

Query to determine LOB segment sizes

   to_char(los.bytes / 1024/1024, '999,999,990') lob_seg_mb,
   to_char(ixs.bytes / 1024/1024, '999,999,990') ind_seg_mb,
   to_char(tab.num_rows          ,'999,999,990') num_rows,
   col.last_analyzed                             col_last_analyzed,
   col.last_analyzed                             col_last_analyzed,
   lob.segment_name   lob_seg_nam,
   lob.index_name     lob_ind_nam
   dba_tables           tab                                                     left join
   dba_tab_columns      col on tab.table_name            = col.table_name   and
                               tab.owner                 = col.owner            left join
   dba_lobs             lob on col.table_name            = lob.table_name   and
                               col.column_name           = lob.column_name  and
                               col.owner                 = lob.owner            left join
   dba_segments         los on lob.segment_name          = los.segment_name and
                               lob.owner                 = los.owner            left join
   dba_segments         ixs on lob.index_name            = ixs.segment_name and
                               lob.owner                 = ixs.owner
-- tab.owner      = user                                   and
   col.data_type like '%LOB%'
order by
   los.bytes desc  nulls last



Use the shell to create a file on the server's filesystem:
$ mkdir /home/oracle/bfiles
$ echo 'Hello world' > /home/oracle/bfiles/test.txt
In the database:
create directory tq84_bfile_dir as '/home/oracle/bfiles';

create table tq84_bfiles (
   filename varchar2(255) primary key,
   data     blob
lob (data) store as securefile;

insert into tq84_bfiles values ('test.txt', bfilename('TQ84_BFILE_DIR', 'test.txt'));

   to_clob(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(data)) data
   filename = 'test.txt';
-- select
--    to_clob(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(data)) data
-- from
--    tq84_bfiles
-- where
--    filename = 'test.txt';
Then, on the shell:
$ echo 'good by' > /home/oracle/bfiles/test.txt
This has no effect to the table, the BLOB is stored and is not modified by the modifcation in the filesystem.

See also

A create table … as … that involves a database link and CLOBs or BLOBs and analytic functions sometimes(?) throws a ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables.
SQL functions that are related to LOBs
The OraOLEDB specific connection attribute SPPrmsLOB.
to_lob converts a long or a long raw to a lob data type.
Depending on the size of the LOB and the LOB column's configuration, LOB data is stored in the same data block as the record/row to which it belongs (in row storage) or in a special LOB segment.
dbms_lobutil contains diagnostic and utility functions for 11g LOBs.
LOBs that are stored in tables are described in dba_lobs.
Create LOBs of arbitrary length
SQL*Plus settings such as See also displaying LOB values (such as CLOBs) in SQL*Plus
Extract lines from a clob.
The PL/SQL package blob_wrapper
ORA-65503: cannot send or receive temporary LOB locators over a database link
ORA-22848: cannot use … type as comparison key
nls_characterset defines the character set for clob values.


Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database in /home/httpd/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /home/httpd/vhosts/ PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest_('/notes/developm...', 1740458252, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 App...', NULL) #2 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest() #3 {main} thrown in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 78