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Oracle SQL: Datatypes

Some SQL and PL/SQL data types include:
binary_float, binary_double IEE-754
boolean Until 21c: only in PL/SQL, starting with 23c also in regular SQL (and notably as datatype for table columns).
char, nchar Max size in PL/SQL: 32767 bytes, max size in Oracle SQL: 2000 bytes
json A binary native representation for JSON data, «OSON», designed for fast query and update. (21c)
clob and blobs (blob and clob)
raw and long raw
varchar2, nvarchar2 Max size in PL/SQL: 32767 bytes, max size in Oracle SQL: 4000 bytes

Datatypes for text

Datatypes that are used to store text (characters) are varchar2, char, long

Datatypes to store binary data

Datatypes to store binary data (arrays of bytes) are raw and long raw.

Identical datatypes

Some identical data types are:

Conversion of types

The SQL function validate_conversion can be used to check if a value can be converted to a given target data type.
See also implicit data type conversion

Type codes used in packages

dbms_types and dbms_sql export type code constants. At times their codes (numbers) are equal, sometimes, they're not.
dbms_types dbms_sql Comment
typecode_varchar 1 varchar2_type 1 varchar vs varchar2 ??? Compare with typecode_varchar2!
typecode_varchar2 9
typecode_number 2 number_type 2
long_type 8
rowid_type 11
typecode_date 12 date_type 12 Compare with the «external data type 13».
raw_type 23
typecode_raw 95
long_raw_type 24
typecode_char 96 char_type 96
typecode_bfloat 100 binary_float_type 100
typecode_bdouble 101 binary_double_type 101
mlslabel_type 106
user_defined_type 109
typecode_ref 110 ref_type 111
typecode_clob 112 clob_type 112
typecode_blob 113 blob_type 113
typecode_bfile 114 bfile_type 114
typecode_timestamp 187 timestamp_type 180
typecode_timestamp_tz 188 timestamp_with_tz_type 181
typecode_interval_ym 189 interval_year_to_month_type 182
typecode_interval_ds 190 interval_day_to_second_type 183
typecode_urowid 104 urowid_type 208
typecode_timestamp_ltz 232 timestamp_with_local_tz_type 231
typecode_cfile 115
typecode_object 108
typecode_varray 247 collection type
typecode_table 248 collection type
typecode_namedcollection 122
typecode_opaque 58 opaque type
typecode_nchar 286 Any data API, short form for char with a charset form of SQLCS_NCHAR
typecode_nvarchar2 287 Any data API, short form for char with a charset form of SQLCS_NCHAR
typecode_nclob 288 Any data API, short form for char with a charset form of SQLCS_NCHAR

See also

ORA-00902: invalid datatype
The Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType enum.
The (pseudo?) data type table that is used for polymorphic table functions.
Changing datatypes in a table
The column data_type in dba_tab_cols and dba_tab_columns.
Error and warning messages:
pls_integer and binary_integer are identical.
An expression's data type id is revealed with the SQL function dump.


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