Search notes:


whoami.exe is used to query

Command line options

Display information about the current user

Option Output Example Comment
/UPN User Principal Name format.
/FQDN Fully Qualified Distinguished Name format. CN=R.NYFFENEGGER,OU=Users,OU=Switzerland,OU=Europe,DC=tq84,DC=xyz
/LOGONID Logon SID of the current user. S-1-5-5-0-1952528 Logon SIDs always start with S-1-5-5-…
/USER Current domain, username and Security Identifier (SID) tq84domn\r.nyffenegger, S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx5 (see also below) Can be combined with /FO

Display other information

/GROUPS group membership for current user, type of account, security identifiers (SID) and attributes.
/CLAIMS claims for current user, including claim name, flags, type and values.
/PRIV displays security privileges of the current user.
/ALL All of the above?

Other options

/FO fmt output format. possible values for fmt are: table, list and csv (the default being table)
/NH print outout without header.
If executed without option, whoami.exe tells me, who I am (in NTLM format)
C:\> whoami


Displays the logon SID for the current session.
C:\> whoami /logonid



Displays the username (Domain\Username format) and the user's SID.
C:\> whoami /user

User Name          SID
================== ============================================
tq84\r.nyffenegger S-1-5-21-123457890-1234578912-345678901-1418


whoami.exe /groups shows the memberships in groups.


whoami /priv displays the security privileges of the current user.
C:\Users\r.nyffenegger> whoami /priv


Privilege Name          Description                          State
======================= ==================================== ========
SeShutdownPrivilege     Shut down the system                 Disabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege Bypass traverse checking             Enabled
SeUndockPrivilege       Remove computer from docking station Disabled
SeTimeZonePrivilege     Change the time zone                 Disabled
