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Power Query M formula language standard library: Excel.CurrentWorkbook

Excel.CurrentWorkbook() returns a table in which the workbook's tables, named ranges and dynamic arrays are stored in nested tables.
The returned table has two columns: Content and Name.
The column Name lists the names of named ranges
Content contains tables that themselves contain the values of the named ranges.
The following VBA example tries to demonstrate how it is possible to access the values of named ranges using Excel.CurrentWorkbook().

Created worksheet

When executed, the example produces the following worksheet.
The left-most table shows the named range that is created by the VBA function createNamedRange.
The second table is the result of just calling Excel.CurrentWorkbook().
The third table applies { [Name = "namedRange" ] } on the result of Excel.CurrentWorkbook() to select the row whose Name is equal to namedRange (which happens to be the name of the named range).
The last table simply uses the value Content which contains the same values as the original named range.

VBA Code

The code that creates the worksheet is shown below
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim sh as workSheet : set sh = activeSheet

    createNamedRange sh

    addFormula cells(2, 6), "Excel.CurrentWorkbook()"
    addFormula cells(2, 9), "Excel.CurrentWorkbook() { [Name = ""namedRange""] }"
    addFormula cells(2,12), "Excel.CurrentWorkbook() { [Name = ""namedRange""] } [Content]"


end sub ' }

sub createNamedRange(sh as worksheet) ' {

    with sh

        .range(.cells(2,2), .cells(2,4)) = array("txt", "num", "dat")
        .range(.cells(3,2), .cells(3,4)) = array("foo",  42, #2018-12-25#)
        .range(.cells(4,2), .cells(4,4)) = array("bar",  99, #2019-05-18#)
        .range(.cells(5,2), .cells(5,4)) = array("baz",  71, #2020-02-13#)

        with .range(.cells(2,2), .cells(5,4))

             .name           = "namedRange"
             .interior.color =  13431551

        end with

    end with

end sub ' }

sub addFormula(dest as range, formula_M as string)  ' {

    dim qry as workbookQuery
    set qry = activeWorkbook.queries.add                ( _
       name    := "qry_" & activeWorkbook.queries.count , _
       formula :=  formula_M                            )

    dim connectionString as string
    connectionString = "OLEDB;"                             & _
                       "Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;" & _
                       "Data Source=$Workbook$;"            & _
                       "Location=" &

    dim destTable as listObject
    set destTable = activeSheet.listObjects.add( _
       sourceType  := xlSrcExternal            , _
       source      := connectionString         , _
       destination := dest ) =

    with destTable.queryTable ' {

        .commandType              = xlCmdSql
        .commandText              = array("select * from [" & & "]")
        .refresh backgroundQuery := false

    end With ' }

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Power-Query-Formula-M, path: /standard-library/Excel/CurrentWorkbook/intro.vb

See also

Using Excel.CurrentWorkbook to get the data of a named Excel range.
The Power Query standard library
