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Excel functions rows() and columns()

columns(ref) and rows(ref) return the number of columns and rows of thing that ref references.

Excel table

In the following example, these functions are used on an Excel table.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

  ' Create test data...

  ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ' and turn data into an excel table:
    dim excelTable as listObject
    set excelTable = activeSheet.listObjects.add(xlSrcRange, range(cells(2, 2), cells(6, 4))) = "tq84Tab"

  ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ' Use rows(…) and columns(…) to show the number of rows and columns
  ' in the created data table:
    cells(8,2) = "Total rows"   : cells(8, 4) = "=rows(tq84Tab)"
    cells(9,2) = "Total columns": cells(9, 4) = "=columns(tq84Tab)"

end sub ' }

sub testData() ' {

    cells(2, 2) = "colOne": cells(2, 3) = "colTwo": cells(2, 4) = "colThree"
    cells(3, 2) = "abc"   : cells(3, 3) =      22 : cells(3, 4) =      4024
    cells(4, 2) = "def"   : cells(4, 3) =      18 : cells(4, 4) =      3218
    cells(5, 2) = "ghi"   : cells(5, 3) =      21 : cells(5, 4) =      2973
    cells(6, 2) = "jkl"   : cells(6, 3) =      24 : cells(6, 4) =      3831

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Excel, path: /functions/rows-columns/excel-table.bas
The code snippet, when executed, produces:
See also Creating a data table with Visual Basic for Applications.

See also

Excel worksheet functions


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