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Excel Object Model: WorkbookConnection

A WorkbookConnection objects stores the information that is required to obtain data from an external data source (that is: it is not stored within in the Workbook itself).
The information of a workbook connection may be stored within the workbook itself or externally in a connection file (with the extension .odc, iqy etc.). If stored externally, these connections may be shared among multiple Excel developers.
WorkbookConnection objects are stored in a Connections object which itself is found via workbook.connections.

Properties and methods

OLEDBConnection A OLEDBConnection object which stores the details for an OLE DB connection.
type Type of the database connection: a member of the xlConnectionType enum (xlConnectionTypeDATAFEED, xlConnectionTypeMODEL, xlConnectionTypeNOSOURCE, xlConnectionTypeODBC, xlConnectionTypeOLEDB, xlConnectionTypeTEXT, xlConnectionTypeWEB, xlConnectionTypeWORKSHEET, xlConnectionTypeXMLMAP)

Types of workbook connection

There are 9 connection-types which are enumerated with the xlConnectionType enum:
The type of a workbook connection is exposed through the object's .type property whose value is a member of the xlConnectionType enumeration:
xlConnectionTypeDATAFEED 6 Data Feed
xlConnectionTypeMODEL 7 PowerPivot Model
xlConnectionTypeNOSOURCE 9 No source
xlConnectionTypeODBC 2 ODBC
xlConnectionTypeOLEDB 1 OLEDB
xlConnectionTypeTEXT 4 Text
xlConnectionTypeWEB 5 Web
xlConnectionTypeWORKSHEET 8 Worksheet
xlConnectionTypeXMLMAP 3 XML MAP

Adding a workbook connection with VBA

option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim curPath as string
    curPath = thisWorkbook.path & chr$(92)  ''' chr$(92) is the backslash.

    dim pathToSourceWorkbook As String
    pathToSourceWorkbook = curPath & "workbook-with-src-data.xlsx"

    createSourceWorksheet pathToSourceWorkbook

    dim connectionString as string
    connectionString = "oledb;provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;" & _
             "data source=" & pathToSourceWorkbook          & ";" & _
             "extended properties=""excel 12.0;hdr=yes"""

    dim wbconn as workbookConnection
    Set wbconn = activeWorkbook.connections.add2                                  ( _
       name             := "connection to other excel sheet"                      , _
       Description      := "this connection was just created for testing purposes", _
       connectionString :=  connectionString                                      , _
       commandText      := "select * from [srcTable]"                             , _
       lCmdType         :=  xlCmdSql)

end sub ' }

sub createSourceWorksheet(fileName as string) ' {
  '  Delete source workbook file if it alread exists.
    if dir(fileName) <> "" then ' {
       kill fileName
    end if ' }

    dim otherWorkbook as workbook
    set otherWorkbook = workbooks.add

    with otherWorkbook ' {

      dim firstCell as range

      with .sheets(1) ' {

        dim r as long : r = 3
        set firstCell = .cells(r,2)

       .range( .cells(r, 2), .cells(r, 4) ).value = array("Col one", "Col two", "Col three"  ) : r = r + 1
       .range( .cells(r, 2), .cells(r, 4) ).value = array("Baz"    ,       42 , #2020-03-03# ) : r = r + 1
       .range( .cells(r, 2), .cells(r, 4) ).value = array("Bar"    ,       99 , #2018-05-17# ) : r = r + 1
       .range( .cells(r, 2), .cells(r, 4) ).value = array("Baz"    ,   123456 , #2019-11-13# ) : r = r + 1
       .range( .cells(r, 2), .cells(r, 4) ).value = array("Foo"    ,      518 , #2018-07-19# ) : r = r + 1
       .range( .cells(r, 2), .cells(r, 4) ).value = array("Baz"    ,      219 , #2014-10-02# ) : r = r + 1
       .range( .cells(r, 2), .cells(r, 4) ).value = array("Foo"    ,       21 , #2015-09-09# )

    '   Name a source data range
       .range( firstCell, .cells(r,4) ).name = "srcTable"


      end with ' }

     .saveAs                            _
        fileName   := fileName,         _
        fileFormat := xlOpenXMLWorkbook


    end with ' }

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/WorkbookConnection/connections.add2.bas


Some interesting properties of the workbookConnection object seem to be

See also

The menu Data -> Get & Transform Data -> Existing Connections
A workbook connection can be used by a queryTable object (in which case the query table's property .workbookConnection points the respective workbook connection.
Data -> Queries & Connections -> Queries & Connections -> Connections
Excel Object Model
