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HTTP User Agent

A HTTP User Agent is a client that requests resources from a HTTP Server (that is also referred to by web server)
The expression user agent does not necessarliy mean that a human user is requesting the services of a HTTP server.

Message Cache

A user agent might cache a requested and obtained resource to save time and network bandwith the next time the same resource is needed.
Some HTTP headers control if and how long a resource is allowed to be cached.


ProductName/Version (System and browser info) [Platform] [(Platform Details)] [extensions]
For example
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
sa User Agent Strings.

Changing user agent string

Firefox: about:config, then edit (or more likely create) general.useragent.override.
Firfox add-on User agent switcher
In Chrome, the user agent can be changed by opening Developer tools, then using the menu More tools -> Network conditions.

What's my user agent string shows the user agent string of the browser that accessed the page.

Determining the user agent

In PHP, the user agent string can be determined with $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].
In JavaScript, the user agent string is exposed in the browser object model through navigator.userAgent.
In Chrome, the user agent string that is sent to a web server can be queried with the special URL(?) chrome://version

See also

The .NET class Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent allows to construct a user agent string.
In the PowerShell invoke-webRequest cmdlet, a user agent string can be set with the -userAgent parameter.
A user agent is supposed to identify itself using the User-Agent HTTP request header when requesting an HTTP service. returns the requestors user agent
