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VBA Module 00_ModuleLoader [Common]

The following module allows to load VBA modules and classes programmatically.


loadOrReplaceModuleWithFile returns a vbComponent object
loadModuleFromFile returns a vbComponent object


In order to use it, it needs a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3.
Sub load()

    call loadOrReplaceModuleWithFile("prog"  , "p:\rojects\main.bas")
    call loadOrReplaceModuleWithFile("person", "p:\rojects\person.cls", vbext_ct_ClassModule)
end sub

Source Code

'   1   Create a module, copy paste content of this file into new module
'   2   Add reference to «Microsoft Visual Basic for Applictions Extensibility 5.3»
'       This can be done in the «Immediate Window» (German: «Direktfenster»), to be found under Menu «View» (German: «Ansicht»),
'       or using Ctrl-G):
'          call application.VBE.activevbProject.references.addFromGuid ("{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 5, 3)
'   2a  Optionally, you might want to rename the newly inserted module
'      (Still in the «immediate window»:
'          vbe.Activevbproject.VBComponents(1).Name = "00_ModuleLoader"
'       2018-08-18: Apparently, in excel, it's a bit more complicated:
'          application.VBE.activeVBProject.VBComponents(application.VBE.activeVBProject.VBComponents.count).name = "ModuleLoader"
'   3   Then load the modules by calling
'          call loadOrReplaceModuleWithFile("fooModule", "c:\path\to\modFoo.bas")
'       for each module

option explicit

sub removeModule(moduleName as string) ' {

    dim found as boolean
    dim vbc   as vbComponents
    dim i     as long

    set vbc = application.VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents

    found = false
    for i = 1 to vbc.count
        if  strComp(vbc(i).name, moduleName, vbTextCompare) = 0 then
            found = true
            exit for
        end if
    next i

    if found then
       call vbc.remove(vbc(i))
    end if

end sub ' }

function loadOrReplaceModuleWithFile(moduleName as string, pathToFile as string, optional moduleType as long = vbext_ct_StdModule) as vbComponent ' {
 '  3rd argument, moduleType: By default, this sub loads a standard module.
 '                In order to load a class module, use vbext_ct_ClassModule.
 '  vbext_ct_ClassModule needs the reference to
 '     «Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3»
 '  which in the immediate Window of Excel can be set with 
 '     thisWorkbook.VBProject.references.addFromGuid GUID :="{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", major := 5, minor := 3

' Before doing anything: check if indicated file exists:
  if len(dir(pathToFile)) = 0 then
     msgBox "Path '" & pathToFile & "' does not exit"
     exit function
  end if

  on error goto err_

    call removeModule(moduleName)
    set loadOrReplaceModuleWithFile = loadModuleFromFile(moduleName, pathToFile, moduleType)

    exit function

  msgBox "Problem loading module " & pathToFile & " (" & moduleName & ")" & chr(13) & err.description & " [" & err.number & "]"
    resume done_

end function ' }

sub importModuleOrClass(moduleOrClassName as string, pathToFile as string) ' {
    call removeModule(moduleOrClassName)
    call application.VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents.import(pathToFile)

end sub ' }

function loadModuleFromFile(moduleName as string, pathToFile as string, moduleType as long) as vbComponent ' {

  on error goto err_

  ' Seems to always import a «standard» module:
  '   set vbComp = application.VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents.import(pathToFile)

    set loadModuleFromFile = application.VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents.add(moduleType)
    loadModuleFromFile.codeModule.addFromFile pathToFile  = moduleName

'   Doesn't work, unfortunately
'   vbComp.saved = true

'   Neither does this
'      (Run-time error 29068: Microsoft Access cannot complete this operation
'       You must stop the code and try again)
' acModule, moduleName

'   This does not generate a runtime error, but
'   does not seem to save the module, either.
'   2018-06-09: It appears to be executable with Access only anyway.
'              (And I have forgotten why it was required).
'      doCmd.close acModule, moduleName, acSaveYes
  exit function

  ' 2020-07-15: Sometimes, there are is the runtime error
  '    424: Object required
  ' that seem to be thrown in the addFromFile method (or
  ' when it is called) which are not caught in this error handler.
  ' When trying to debug it, the addFromFile line says
  '   «Can't enter break mode at this time»
  ' Addendum: this seems to be the case when VBA code
  ' is running but stuck with an error.
    msgBox "loadModuleFromFile (" & moduleName & ", " & pathToFile & ": " & VBNewLine & err.description & " (" & err.number & ")"

end function ' }
Github repository VBAModules, path: /Common/00_ModuleLoader.bas


This module should probably be merged into vbEditor.bas.

See also

Common VBA modules


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