option explicit
private sub class_initialize() ' No parameters possible!
msgBox "Constructor of class was called"
end sub
private sub class_terminate()
msgBox "Destructor of class was called"
end sub
Defining a class with three member variables of which two are public and one is private.
option explicit
' Declare three member variables for the class.
' Note: member variables are not declared with dim, rather
' one of the keywords public or private is used.
' If they're public, they can be accessed from »outside« the
' class. If private, they can only be accessed within the class.
public foo as double
public bar as string
private baz as long
private sub class_initialize()
' Within a class method, members of the class can
' optionally be referred to with »me«. In other
' programming languages, that would be self or this.
me.foo = 1.23456
baz = 42
end sub
private sub class_terminate()
msgBox "foo = " & foo & ", bar = " & bar & ", baz = " & baz
end sub
option explicit
sub main()
dim obj as new tq84
obj.bar = "hello world"
' The member baz is declared private, it
' cannot be assigned outside of the class:
' obj.baz = 99
end sub
Here's a class with a member function and a member sub:
option explicit
private value as long
public sub store_value(value_ as long)
' Apparently, the »me« keyword cannot be used
' in member subs and member functions …
value = value_
end sub
public function retrieve_value as long
retrieve_value = value
end function
After defining property let and property set functions, the person's name and age can be set with the familiar VBA constructs obj.member = var and var = obj.member.
Here, we're definining a class for a person with such property set and let functions. As usual with simple examples, a person has a name and an age.
' Beware the »Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent« error.
option explicit
private nm as string
private ag as long
property let name (name_ as string)
' Apparently, in property let/set functions,
' the »me« keyword is not allowed …
nm = name_
end property
property let age (age_ as long )
ag = age_
end property
property get name() as string
name = nm
end property
property get age() as long
age = ag
end property
property get text() as string
text = "My name is " & nm & " and I am " & age & " years old."
end property
option explicit
sub main()
dim p1 as new person
dim p2 as new person
p1.name = "Fred" : p1.age = 71
p2.name = "Jane" : p2.age = 68
msgBox p1.text & chr(13) & p2.text
end sub
In order to create a new instance of a class, the keyword new must be used. This is demonstrated in the following example.
First, a new instance of the tq84 class is cretead with new tq84 and its reference assigned to the obj_1 variable.
Then, the obj_1 is assigned to obj_2. Since there is no invocation of new, no new instance is created. Thus, the constructor class_initialize is not called and both obj_1.m and obj_2.m point to the same string.
In order for the destructor class_terminate to be called, both references to the class need to be set to nothing.
option explicit
sub main()
dim obj_1 as tq84
dim obj_2 as tq84
debug.print "set obj_1 = new tq84"
set obj_1 = new tq84
' Setting obj_1's member m to foo:
obj_1.m = "foo"
' Setting obj_2 to obj_1 does not create a new
' object (the operator new is not involved)
' obj_2 is just an alias to obj_1.
set obj_2 = obj_1
' Changing obj_1's member m to bar.
obj_1.m = "bar"
' Because obj_2 is an alias to obj_1,
' obj_2.m is equal to obj_1.m. The
' following line prints
' obj_2.m = bar
debug.print "obj_2.m = " & obj_2.m
' Setting obj_1 to nothing does not yet
' invoke the destructor class_terminate.
' This is because obj_2 still points
' to the same object
set obj_1 = nothing
' However, setting the other reference
' to the object to nothing will cause the
' class's destructor to be called.
set obj_2 = nothing
debug.print "exiting main"
end sub
sub a(ad as long)
debug.print "ad = " & ad
end sub
option explicit
public m as string
private sub class_initialize() ' No parameters possible!
debug.print "class_initialize"
end sub
private sub class_terminate()
debug.print "class_terminate"
end sub
If the declaration of the a class's property member method is immediately followed by an attribute NAME.vb_UserMemId = 0 statement (NAME being the name of the property), then this property becomes the default property for the class and will be invoked when an instance of the class is used without a member.
Note: in order for that to work, the class needs to be imported, not copy-pasted.
' vim: ft=basic
option explicit
private m_name as string
private m_age as long
property let name(name_ as string) ' {
attribute name.vb_UserMemId = 0
m_name = name_
end property ' }
property get name() as string ' {
name = m_name
end property ' }
property let age(age_ as long) ' {
m_age = age_
end property ' }
property get age() as long ' {
age = m_age
end property ' }
option explicit
sub main() ' {
dim p as new person
p.name = "Fred"
p.age = 42
debug.print p.name & "'s age is " & p.age
' Use power of default property: name needs
' not be specified.
debug.print p & "'s age is " & p.age
' Change name, again using default property
p = "Charly"
debug.print p & "'s age is " & p.age
end sub ' }