Using typeOf
Now, we're ready to use
typeOf … is
on instances (
objects) of these classes:
option explicit
sub determineType(obj as variant)
if obj is nothing then
debug.print "nothing"
' If the object is »nothing«, it makes no sense to continue
' with typeOf … is checks: nothing-objects cause error message:
' Object variable or With block variable not set.
' Thus, we exit the sub:
exit sub
end if
if typeOf obj is object then
debug.print "object"
end if
if typeOf obj is classOne then
debug.print "classOne"
end if
if typeOf obj is classTwo then
debug.print "classTwo"
end if
end sub
sub main()
dim obj_1 as classOne
dim obj_2 as new classTwo
determineType obj_1
determineType obj_2
end sub