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Visual Basic for Applications - PSAPI: EnumProcessModules

EnumProcessModules is a PSAPI function that returns the loaded modules in a given process.
The sub enumProcModules of the following example attempts to demonstrate that. The first parameter is the handle of a process. The second (optional) parameter specifies the filename into which the information needs to be written. If this parameter is not used, the information is wirtten using debug.print.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim hProc as long

    hProc = GetCurrentProcess()
    if hProc = 0 then
       debug.print "Failed to find current process"
       exit sub
    end if

    call enumProcModules(hProc, environ$("TEMP") & "\enumProcModules.txt")

end sub ' }

sub enumProcModules(hProc as long, optional fileName as string) ' {

    const maxNumOfModules  = 1024
    const sizeOfHANDLE     =    4
    dim   bytesNeeded   as long

    dim bFilterModule   as boolean
    dim lCountMatching  as long
    dim bRetVal         as boolean
    dim nofModules      as long
    dim stringMaxPath   as string * MAX_PATH
    dim moduleBaseName  as string
    dim modulePath      as string
    dim module_info     as MODULEINFO
    dim lenString       as long
    dim fileNo          as integer

    dim moduleHandles(maxNumOfModules)     as long

    if EnumProcessModules(hProc, moduleHandles(0), (maxNumOfModules * sizeOfHANDLE), bytesNeeded) = false then
       debug.print "EnumProcessModules failed"
       exit sub
    end if

    nofModules = bytesNeeded / sizeOfHANDLE
    if fileName <> "" then
       fileNo = freeFile()
       open fileName for output as #fileNo
    end if

    dim m as long
    for m = 0 to nofModules - 1 ' {

        if moduleHandles(m) = 0 then
           goto skipModule
        end if

        if GetModuleInformation(hProc, moduleHandles(m), module_info, bytesNeeded) = 0 then
           debug.print "Could not get module info"
           goto skipModule
        end if

        lenString = GetModuleFileNameEx(hProc, moduleHandles(m), stringMaxPath, MAX_PATH)
        modulePath = mid$(stringMaxPath, 1, lenString)

        lenString = GetModuleBaseName(hProc, moduleHandles(m), stringMaxPath, MAX_PATH)
        moduleBaseName = mid$(stringMaxPath, 1, lenString)

            if fileName = "" then
               debug.print modulePath
               debug.print "  " & moduleBaseName
               debug.print "  " & module_info.lpBaseOfDll
               debug.print "  " & module_info.SizeofImage
               debug.print "  " & module_info.EntryPoint
               print# fileNo, modulePath
               print# fileNo, "  " & moduleBaseName
               print# fileNo, "  " & module_info.lpBaseOfDll
               print# fileNo, "  " & module_info.SizeofImage
               print# fileNo, "  " & module_info.EntryPoint
            end if
    next m ' }

    if fileName <> "" then
       close# fileNo
    end if

    erase moduleHandles
    call CloseHandle(hProc)

end sub ' }
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/PSAPI/EnumProcessModules.bas

See also

Other examples
