__breakpointhook__ | |
__displayhook__ | |
__doc__ | |
__excepthook__ | |
__interactivehook__ | |
__loader__ | |
__name__ | |
__package__ | |
__spec__ | |
__stderr__ | |
__stdin__ | |
__stdout__ | |
__unraisablehook__ | |
_base_executable | Compare with executable |
_clear_type_cache | |
_current_exceptions | |
_current_frames | |
_debugmallocstats | |
_enablelegacywindowsfsencoding | |
_emsscripten_info | information about the environment on an wasm32-emscripten platform. (Python 3.11 - Emsscripten) |
_framework | |
_getframe | Compare with _current_frames() |
_getquickenedcount | |
_git | |
_home | |
_stdlib_dir | |
_xoptions | A dictionary corresponding to the -X command line option. |
addaudithook | |
api_version | The interpreter's C api version. Compare with version . |
argv | The list of command line arguments with which the Python interpreter was started, argv[0] being the name of the script being executed (except the script was named with -c ). Compare with orig_argv |
audit | |
base_exec_prefix | |
base_prefix | |
breakpointhook | |
builtin_module_names | The tuple containing the names of the modules that are compiled into the Python interpreter. Compare with sys.modules.keys() (which lists the imported modules) and sys.stdlib_module_names |
byteorder | endianness (value is either big or small ) |
call_tracing | |
copyright | |
displayhook | |
dllhandle | |
dont_write_bytecode | If True , importing modules won't write .pyc files. See also the -B command line option and the PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE environment variable |
exc_info | |
excepthook | |
exec_prefix | Root directory of platform dependent files, compare with prefix . |
executable | The absoulute path of the Python interpreter executable, for example /usr/bin/python or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python36_64\python.exe . Compare with _base_executable |
exit | Raise a SystemExit exception. Compare with quit() and os._exit() . |
flags | A named tuple that exposes the values of the used command line options |
float_info | A named tuple holding information about the float type (max , max_exp , max_10_exp , min , min_exp , min_10_exp , dig , mant_dig , epsilon , radix , rounds ). Compare with the system's float.h file. See also int_info |
float_repr_style | A string controlling the behaviour of repr() for floats. Possible values are short (which is the default) and legacy . |
get_asyncgen_hooks | |
get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth | |
getallocatedblocks | |
getdefaultencoding | |
getfilesystemencodeerrors | |
getfilesystemencoding | |
getprofile | |
getrecursionlimit | |
getrefcount | Returns an object's reference counter. |
getsizeof | |
getswitchinterval | |
gettrace | |
getwindowsversion | |
hash_info | |
hexversion | |
implementation | Some information about the currently running Python interpreter. See also PEP 421 |
int_info | Information about the internal representation of Python's integers (named tuple with the attributes bits_per_digit , sizeof_digit , default_max_str_digits , str_digits_check_threshold , default_max_str_digits and str_digits_check_threshold , last two added in Python 3.11). See also float_info |
intern | |
is_finalizing | |
maxsize | |
maxunicode | |
meta_path | |
modules | A dictionary that maps module names to loaded modules. |
orig_argv | See also argv |
path | A list of directories (strings) where the interpreter tries to locate modules. The value consists of a default (set at compilation time?) and additional directories which can be configured using the PYTHONPATH environment variable. See also the -P command line option and the PYTHONSAFEPATH environment variable. |
path_hooks | |
path_importer_cache | |
platform | Identification of the platform where the interpreter is running. For example win32 , linux , emscripten , linux , aix etc. See also os.name and os.uname |
platlibdir | Usuallly lib (lib64 on Fedora and SuSE) |
prefix | The base directory of the installation, used to find the standard library and other important files. The value of prefix might be /usr or /usr/lib !. This value is changed in a virtual environment. Compare with base_prefix , exec_prefix and lib |
ps1 | |
ps2 | |
pycache_prefix | If not None , read/write .pyc files from the specified directory (rather than from __pycache__ ) See also the command line option -X pycache_prefix and the PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX environment variable. |
set_asyncgen_hooks | |
set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth | |
setprofile | |
setrecursionlimit | |
setswitchinterval | Sets the thread switch interval in seconds (floating point value). |
settrace | |
stdin , stdout , stderr | |
stdlib_module_names | See also builtin_module_names |
thread_info | |
unraisablehook | |
version | Version number of Python interpreter and additional information. Instead of parsing this string, use sys.version_info and functions of platform module. Compare with api_version . |
version_info | A tuple storing the interpreter's major , minor , micro , releaselevel and serial values. |
warnoptions | |
winver | Available on Windows only: Used to locate registry keys. |