Search notes:
Perl module Net::Curl::Multi
seems to be the Perl module to download internet resources in parallel.
# Modelled after ikegami's answer:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::Curl::Easy qw( :constants );
use Net::Curl::Multi qw( );
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;
use File::Slurp;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
unlink for (grep {$_ !~ /\.gitignore$/} glob 'downloaded/*');
my $max_running = 20;
my @files = gather_files();
my $net_curl_multi = Net::Curl::Multi->new();
my $running = 0;
my $t_start_download = time;
while (1) { #_{
while ( @files && $running < $max_running ) {
my $file = shift @files;
printf(" %7.3f %2d req: %s\n", time - $t_start_download, $running, $file);
my $net_curl_easy = make_request("$file");
last if !$running;
my ($r, $w, $e) = $net_curl_multi->fdset();
my $timeout = $net_curl_multi->timeout();
select($r, $w, $e, $timeout / 1000) if $timeout > 0;
$running = $net_curl_multi->perform();
while ( my ( $msg, $easy, $result ) = $net_curl_multi->info_read() ) {
$net_curl_multi->remove_handle( $easy );
my $url = $easy->{url};
my $status = $easy->getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
$url =~ s|.*?master/||;
printf(" %7.3f %2d got: %-60s %d\n", time - $t_start_download, $running, $url, $status);
$url =~ s|/|__|g;
write_file("downloaded/$url", $easy->{body});
} #_}
sub make_request { #_{
my $url = shift;
my $net_curl_easy = Net::Curl::Easy->new();
$net_curl_easy->{url} = $url;
$net_curl_easy->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url );
$net_curl_easy->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, \$net_curl_easy->{head});
$net_curl_easy->setopt(CURLOPT_FILE, \$net_curl_easy->{body});
return $net_curl_easy;
} #_}
sub gather_files { #_{
my @files = ();
find(sub {
if (-d $_ and $_ eq '.git') {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
if (-f $_) {
return if $_ =~ /\.gitignore$/;
my $path = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::name, $File::Find::topdir);
$path =~ s!\\!/!g; # Windows ...
push @files, $path;
return @files;
} #_}