The following script can be used to compare the performance of HTTP::Async with that of a sequential downloading with LWP::UserAgent (or LWP::Simple, for that matter).
Unfortunately, when I tried this performance test, it showed that HTTP::Async is actually slower because it somehow freezes for a while after adding a new request. I am therefore not sure if I have used the module correctly and as intended.
The global variable $with_HTTP_ASYNC, which currently must be manually edited in the script, determines if the download of the resources is done in parallel or in sequence.
use warnings;
use strict;
use HTTP::Async;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
my @files = gather_files();
my $with_HTTP_ASYNC = 1;
if ($with_HTTP_ASYNC) {
my $http_async = HTTP::Async->new;
my %id_2_file;
my $t_start_download = time;
while (@files) {
my ($http_response, $id) = $http_async->next_response;
if ($http_response) {
my $t_end_get = time;
printf(" %6.3f %2d [%2d/%2d] resp %-55s %-15s %6.3f\n",
$t_end_get - $t_start_download,
$http_async->in_progress_count, $http_async->to_send_count, $http_async->to_return_count,
$t_end_get - $id_2_file{$id}{t_submit}
else {
my $file = shift @files;
printf(" %6.3f %2d [%2d/%2d] subm: %-55s\n",
time - $t_start_download,
$http_async->in_progress_count, $http_async->to_send_count, $http_async->to_return_count,
my $t_submit = time;
my $id = $http_async->add(HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$file"));
$id_2_file{$id}{file } = $file;
$id_2_file{$id}{t_submit} = $t_submit;
printf(" %6.3f %2d [%2d/%2d] done\n",
time - $t_start_download,
$http_async->in_progress_count, $http_async->to_send_count, $http_async->to_return_count
print "No more files\n";
while (my ($http_response, $id) = $http_async->wait_for_next_response) {
my $t_end_get = time;
printf(" %6.3f %2d [%2d/%2d] resp %-55s %-15s %6.3f\n",
$t_end_get - $t_start_download,
$http_async->in_progress_count, $http_async->to_send_count, $http_async->to_return_count,
$t_end_get - $id_2_file{$id}{t_submit}
else {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $t_start_download = time;
for my $file (@files) {
my $t_start_get = time;
my $http_response = $ua -> get("$file");
my $t_end_get = time;
printf (" %-55s %-15s %6.3f %6.3f\n", $file, $http_response->status_line, $t_end_get - $t_start_download, $t_end_get - $t_start_get);
sub gather_files {
my @files = ();
find(sub {
if (-d $_ and $_ eq '.git') {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
if (-f $_) {
my $path = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::name, $File::Find::topdir);
$path =~ s!\\!/!g; # Windows ...
push @files, $path;
return @files;