Search notes:

Connect to SQLite from VBA using winsqlite3.dll

Windows 10 comes with a pre installed DLL that can be used for accessing SQLite databases (C:\Windows\System32\winsqlite3.dll).
Because Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) allows to use functions that are defined in a DLL, it is possible to use SQLite in VBA directly, that is, without OLE DB or ADOX or any other of these fancy technologies.
It was only after I started to develop these sources that I found out that Govert van Drimmelen already did the same thing, but way more complete.
The following two code snippets try to demonstrate how that might be achieved.


These declare statements allow to use winsqlite3.dll from Visual Basic for Applications
option explicit

public const SQLITE_OK      =    0  ' Successful result
public const SQLITE_ERROR   =    1  ' Generic Error
public const SQLITE_BUSY    =    5  ' The database file is locked
public const SQLITE_TOOBIG  =   18  ' String or BLOB exceeds size limit
public const SQLITE_MISUSE  =   21  ' Library used incorrectly
public const SQLITE_ROW     =  100  ' sqlite3_step() has another row ready
public const SQLITE_DONE    =  101  ' sqlite3_step() has finished executing

' Constants that identify SQLite data types ' {
' Returned by sqlite3_column_type()
public const SQLITE_INTEGER =  1
public const SQLITE_FLOAT   =  2
public const SQLITE_TEXT    =  3  ' TODO: Should it be named SQLITE3_TEXT?
public const SQLITE_BLOB    =  4
public const SQLITE_NULL    =  5
' }

' { WinAPI constants
private const CP_UTF8        = 65001
' }

' sqlite3_open {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_open        lib "winsqlite3.dll" (  _
     byVal    zFilename        as string , _
     byRef    ppDB             as longPtr  _
) as longPtr ' }

' sqlite3_close {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_close       lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal    db               as longPtr  _
) as longPtr ' }

' sqlite3_exec ' {
'   TODO: how can/should errmsg be handled in case of an error
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_exec        lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal    db               as any    , _
     byVal    sql              as string , _
     byVal    callback         as longPtr, _
     byVal    argument_1       as longPtr, _
     byRef    errmsg           as string   _
) as longPtr ' }

' sqlite3_prepare_v2 {
'   TODO pzTail is actually a char**
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_prepare_v2  lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal    db               as any    , _
     byVal    zSql             as string , _
     byVal    nByte            as longPtr, _
     byRef    ppStatement      as longPtr, _
     byRef    pzTail           as any      _
) as longPtr ' }

' sqlite3_finalize {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_finalize    lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal    stmt             as longPtr  _
) as longPtr ' }

' sqlite3_bind_* ' {

' sqlite3_bind_int {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_bind_int    lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal    stmt            as longPtr , _
     byVal    pos             as long    , _
     byVal    val             as long      _
) as long ' }

' sqlite3_bind_text {
'     TODO: what is the «whatIsThis» parameter used for?
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_bind_text_  lib "winsqlite3.dll" alias "sqlite3_bind_text" ( _
     byVal    stmt            as longPtr , _
     byVal    pos             as long    , _
     byVal    val             as longPtr , _
     byVal    len_            as integer , _
     byVal    whatIsThis      as longPtr   _
) as long ' }

' sqlite3_bind_null {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_bind_null   lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal    stmt            as longPtr , _
     byVal    pos             as long      _
) as long
' }

' }

' sqlite3_step ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_step          lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal     stmt           as longPtr   _
) as long ' }

' sqlite3_reset ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_reset         lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal     stmt           as longPtr   _
) as long ' }

' sqlite3_column_* {

' sqlite3_column_double ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_double lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal     stmt           as longPtr , _
     byVal     iCol           as integer   _
) as double ' }

' sqlite3_column_int ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_int    lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal     stmt           as longPtr , _
     byVal     iCol           as integer   _
) as integer ' }

' sqlite3_column_text ' {
' The string returned from SQLite needs to be converted to
' a wide character string in VBA. The following declaration (whose
' name ends in an underscore) first gets the pointer to the (ASCII or UTF8) string.
' Further below, another function is declared, sqlite3_column_text, that
' takes the pointer and converts it into a wide character string, suitable
' for a VBA string.

declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_text_  lib "winsqlite3.dll" alias "sqlite3_column_text" ( _
     byVal     stmt           as longPtr , _
     byVal     iCol           as integer   _
) as longPtr ' }

' }

' sqlite3_column_type ' {
' Returns one of the five data types (SQLITE_INTEGER, …) of
' a selected column.
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_type   lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
     byVal     stmt           as longPtr , _
     byVal     iCol           as integer   _
) as integer ' }

' MultiByteToWideChar {
private declare ptrSafe function MultiByteToWideChar lib "kernel32" ( _
   byVal CodePage       as long   , _
   byVal dwFlags        as long   , _
   byVal lpMultiByteStr as longPtr, _
   byVal cbMultiByte    as long   , _
   byVal lpWideCharStr  as longPtr, _
   byVal cchWideChar    as long     _
) as long ' }

' WideCharToMultiByte {
private declare ptrSafe function WideCharToMultiByte lib "kernel32" ( _
  byVal CodePage          as long   , _
  byVal dwFlags           as long   , _
  byVal lpWideCharStr     as longPtr, _
  byVal cchWideChar       as long   , _
  byVal lpMultiByteStr    as longPtr, _
  byVal cchMultiByte      as long   , _
  byVal lpDefaultChar     as longPtr, _
  byVal lpUsedDefaultChar as longPtr  _
) as long ' }

function utf8ptrToString(byVal pUtf8String as longPtr) as string ' {
' Found @
    dim buf     as string
    dim cSize   as long
    dim retVal  as long

  ' cSize includes the terminating null character
    cSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pUtf8String, -1, 0, 0)

    if cSize <= 1 then ' {
        Utf8ptrToString = ""
        exit function
    end if ' }

    Utf8ptrToString = string(cSize - 1, "*") ' and a termintating null char.

    retVal = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pUtf8String, -1, strPtr(Utf8ptrToString), cSize)
    if retVal = 0 then ' {
       err.raise 1000, "utf8ptrToString", "Utf8ptrToString error: " & err.lastDllError
       exit function
    end if ' }

end function ' }

function stringToUtf8bytes(byVal txt as string) as byte() ' {

    dim bSize  as long
    dim retVal as long
    dim buf()  as byte

    bSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, strPtr(txt), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    if bSize = 0 then ' {
        exit function
    end if ' }

    ReDim buf(bSize)

    retVal = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, strPtr(txt), -1, varPtr(buf(0)), bSize, 0, 0)

    if retVal = 0 then
        err.raise 1000, "stringToUtf8bytes", "stringToUtf8bytes error: " & err.lastDllError
        exit function
    end if

    stringToUtf8bytes = buf

end function ' }

' { sqlite3_bind_text

function sqlite3_bind_text  ( _
     byVal    stmt            as longPtr , _
     byVal    pos             as long    , _
     byVal    val             as string  , _
     byVal    len_            as integer , _
     byVal    whatIsThis      as longPtr   _
) as long ' }

  dim arrayVariant as variant
  arrayVariant = stringToUtf8bytes(val)

' dim x() as byte
' x = stringToUtf8bytes(val)

  sqlite3_bind_text = sqlite3_bind_text_(stmt, pos, varPtr(arrayVariant          ), len_, whatIsThis)
' sqlite3_bind_text = sqlite3_bind_text_(stmt, pos, varPtr(stringToUtf8bytes(val)), len_, whatIsThis)
' sqlite3_bind_text = sqlite3_bind_text_(stmt, pos,        stringToUtf8bytes(val ), len_, whatIsThis)

end function ' }

' { sqlite3_column_text
function sqlite3_column_text (             _
     byVal     stmt           as longPtr , _
     byVal     iCol           as integer   _
) as string

    sqlite3_column_text = utf8ptrToString(sqlite3_column_text_(stmt, iCol))

end function ' }
Github repository winsqlite3.dll-4-VBA, path: /winsqlite3_4_VBA.bas


option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim db as longPtr

    db = openDB(environ("temp") & "\test.db")

    execSQL db, "create table tab(foo, bar, baz)"

    execSQL db, "insert into tab values(1, 'one', null);"
    execSQL db, "insert into tab values(2,  2.2 ,'two');"

    dim stmt as longPtr
    stmt = prepareStmt(db, "insert into tab values(?, ?, ?)")

    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 1, 3              ))
    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2,"three", -1, 0  ))
    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 3, 333            ))
    checkStepRetval(sqlite3_step     (stmt))

  ' sqlite3_reset(stmt) still seems necesssary although the documentation says
  ' that in version after 3.6.something, it should not be necessary anymore...
  ' TODO: or should sqlite3_clear_bindings be used?
    sqlite3_reset(stmt) ' Or sqlite3_clear_bindings() ?

    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 1, 55             ))
    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2,"four" , -1, 0  ))
    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, 3                 ))
    checkStepRetval(sqlite3_step     (stmt))
    sqlite3_reset(stmt) ' Or sqlite3_clear_bindings() ?

    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 1, 42                 ))
    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2,"Umlauts"   , -1, 0 ))
    checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 3,"äöü ÄÖÜ éÉ", -1, 0 ))
    checkStepRetval(sqlite3_step     (stmt))
'   sqlite3_reset(stmt) ' Or sqlite3_clear_bindings() ?

    sqlite3_finalize  stmt



end sub ' }

function openDB(fileName as string) as longPtr ' {

    dim res as longPtr

    res = sqlite3_open(fileName, openDB)
    if res <> SQLITE_OK then
       err.raise 1000, "openDB", "sqlite_open failed, res = " & res
    end if

    debug.print("SQLite db opened, db = " & openDB)

end function ' }

sub closeDB(db as longPtr) ' {

    dim res as longPtr

    res = sqlite3_close(db)
    if res <> SQLITE_OK then
       err.raise 1000, "closeDB", "sqlite_open failed, res = " & res
    end if

end sub ' }

sub checkBindRetval(retVal as long) ' {

    if retVal = SQLITE_OK then
       exit sub
    end if

    if retVal = SQLITE_TOOBIG then
       err.raise 1000, "checkBindRetval", "bind failed: String or BLOB exceeds size limit"
    end if

    if retVal = SQLITE_MISUSE then
       err.raise 1000, "checkBindRetval", "bind failed: Library used incorrectly"
    end if

    err.raise 1000, "checkBindRetval", "bind failed, retVal = " & retVal

end sub ' }

sub checkStepRetval(retVal as long) ' {

    if retVal = SQLITE_DONE then
       exit sub
    end if

    err.raise 1000, "checkStepRetval", "step failed, retVal = " & retVal

end sub ' }

sub execSQL(db as longPtr, sql as string) ' {

    dim res    as longPtr
    dim errmsg as string

    res = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, 0, 0, errmsg)
    if res <> SQLITE_OK then
       err.raise 1000, "execSQL", "sqlite3_exec failed, res = " & res
    end if

end sub ' }

function prepareStmt(db as longPtr, sql as string) as longPtr ' {

    dim res    as longPtr

    res = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, prepareStmt, 0)
    if res <> SQLITE_OK then
       err.raise 1000, "prepareStmt", "sqlite3_prepare failed, res = " & res
    end if

    debug.print("stmt = " & prepareStmt)

end function ' }

sub selectFromTab(db as longPtr) ' {

    dim stmt as longPtr
    stmt = prepareStmt(db, "select * from tab where foo > ? order by foo")

    sqlite3_bind_int stmt, 1, 2

    dim rowNo as long

    while sqlite3_step(stmt) <> SQLITE_DONE ' {

      rowNo = rowNo + 1

      dim colNo as long
      colNo = 0
      while colNo <= 2 ' {

         if     sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_INTEGER then

                cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, colNo)

         elseIf sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_FLOAT   then

                cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) = sqlite3_column_double(stmt, colNo)

         elseIf sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_TEXT    then

                cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, colNo)

         elseIf sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_NULL    then

                cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) ="n/a"


                cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) ="?"

         end if

         colNo = colNo + 1

      wend ' }

    wend ' }

    sqlite3_finalize stmt

end sub ' }
Github repository winsqlite3.dll-4-VBA, path: /test.bas


The sqlite_bind_* functions should accept a variant and then determine the variant's underlying data type and based upon this type call sqlite_bind_DATATYPE_() in winsqlite3.dll.

See also

The C interface to sqlite
The headerfile winsqlite3.h shows the parameters and data types used for accessing C:\Windows\System32\winsqlite3.dll.


SQLiteForExcel (on github) is a small, easy-to-use, open source SQL library to give access to sqlite from VBA.
