Because Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) allows to use functions that are defined in a DLL, it is possible to use SQLite in VBA directly, that is, without OLE DB or ADOX or any other of these fancy technologies.
option explicit
public const SQLITE_OK = 0 ' Successful result
public const SQLITE_ERROR = 1 ' Generic Error
public const SQLITE_BUSY = 5 ' The database file is locked
public const SQLITE_TOOBIG = 18 ' String or BLOB exceeds size limit
public const SQLITE_MISUSE = 21 ' Library used incorrectly
public const SQLITE_ROW = 100 ' sqlite3_step() has another row ready
public const SQLITE_DONE = 101 ' sqlite3_step() has finished executing
' Constants that identify SQLite data types ' {
' Returned by sqlite3_column_type()
public const SQLITE_INTEGER = 1
public const SQLITE_FLOAT = 2
public const SQLITE_TEXT = 3 ' TODO: Should it be named SQLITE3_TEXT?
public const SQLITE_BLOB = 4
public const SQLITE_NULL = 5
' }
' { WinAPI constants
private const CP_UTF8 = 65001
' }
' sqlite3_open {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_open lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal zFilename as string , _
byRef ppDB as longPtr _
) as longPtr ' }
' sqlite3_close {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_close lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal db as longPtr _
) as longPtr ' }
' sqlite3_exec ' {
' TODO: how can/should errmsg be handled in case of an error
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_exec lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal db as any , _
byVal sql as string , _
byVal callback as longPtr, _
byVal argument_1 as longPtr, _
byRef errmsg as string _
) as longPtr ' }
' sqlite3_prepare_v2 {
' TODO pzTail is actually a char**
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_prepare_v2 lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal db as any , _
byVal zSql as string , _
byVal nByte as longPtr, _
byRef ppStatement as longPtr, _
byRef pzTail as any _
) as longPtr ' }
' sqlite3_finalize {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_finalize lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr _
) as longPtr ' }
' sqlite3_bind_* ' {
' sqlite3_bind_int {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_bind_int lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal pos as long , _
byVal val as long _
) as long ' }
' sqlite3_bind_text {
' TODO: what is the «whatIsThis» parameter used for?
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_bind_text_ lib "winsqlite3.dll" alias "sqlite3_bind_text" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal pos as long , _
byVal val as longPtr , _
byVal len_ as integer , _
byVal whatIsThis as longPtr _
) as long ' }
' sqlite3_bind_null {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_bind_null lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal pos as long _
) as long
' }
' }
' sqlite3_step ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_step lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr _
) as long ' }
' sqlite3_reset ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_reset lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr _
) as long ' }
' sqlite3_column_* {
' sqlite3_column_double ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_double lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal iCol as integer _
) as double ' }
' sqlite3_column_int ' {
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_int lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal iCol as integer _
) as integer ' }
' sqlite3_column_text ' {
' The string returned from SQLite needs to be converted to
' a wide character string in VBA. The following declaration (whose
' name ends in an underscore) first gets the pointer to the (ASCII or UTF8) string.
' Further below, another function is declared, sqlite3_column_text, that
' takes the pointer and converts it into a wide character string, suitable
' for a VBA string.
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_text_ lib "winsqlite3.dll" alias "sqlite3_column_text" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal iCol as integer _
) as longPtr ' }
' }
' sqlite3_column_type ' {
' Returns one of the five data types (SQLITE_INTEGER, …) of
' a selected column.
declare ptrSafe function sqlite3_column_type lib "winsqlite3.dll" ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal iCol as integer _
) as integer ' }
' MultiByteToWideChar {
private declare ptrSafe function MultiByteToWideChar lib "kernel32" ( _
byVal CodePage as long , _
byVal dwFlags as long , _
byVal lpMultiByteStr as longPtr, _
byVal cbMultiByte as long , _
byVal lpWideCharStr as longPtr, _
byVal cchWideChar as long _
) as long ' }
' WideCharToMultiByte {
private declare ptrSafe function WideCharToMultiByte lib "kernel32" ( _
byVal CodePage as long , _
byVal dwFlags as long , _
byVal lpWideCharStr as longPtr, _
byVal cchWideChar as long , _
byVal lpMultiByteStr as longPtr, _
byVal cchMultiByte as long , _
byVal lpDefaultChar as longPtr, _
byVal lpUsedDefaultChar as longPtr _
) as long ' }
function utf8ptrToString(byVal pUtf8String as longPtr) as string ' {
' Found @
dim buf as string
dim cSize as long
dim retVal as long
' cSize includes the terminating null character
cSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pUtf8String, -1, 0, 0)
if cSize <= 1 then ' {
Utf8ptrToString = ""
exit function
end if ' }
Utf8ptrToString = string(cSize - 1, "*") ' and a termintating null char.
retVal = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pUtf8String, -1, strPtr(Utf8ptrToString), cSize)
if retVal = 0 then ' {
err.raise 1000, "utf8ptrToString", "Utf8ptrToString error: " & err.lastDllError
exit function
end if ' }
end function ' }
function stringToUtf8bytes(byVal txt as string) as byte() ' {
dim bSize as long
dim retVal as long
dim buf() as byte
bSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, strPtr(txt), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if bSize = 0 then ' {
exit function
end if ' }
ReDim buf(bSize)
retVal = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, strPtr(txt), -1, varPtr(buf(0)), bSize, 0, 0)
if retVal = 0 then
err.raise 1000, "stringToUtf8bytes", "stringToUtf8bytes error: " & err.lastDllError
exit function
end if
stringToUtf8bytes = buf
end function ' }
' { sqlite3_bind_text
function sqlite3_bind_text ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal pos as long , _
byVal val as string , _
byVal len_ as integer , _
byVal whatIsThis as longPtr _
) as long ' }
dim arrayVariant as variant
arrayVariant = stringToUtf8bytes(val)
' dim x() as byte
' x = stringToUtf8bytes(val)
sqlite3_bind_text = sqlite3_bind_text_(stmt, pos, varPtr(arrayVariant ), len_, whatIsThis)
' sqlite3_bind_text = sqlite3_bind_text_(stmt, pos, varPtr(stringToUtf8bytes(val)), len_, whatIsThis)
' sqlite3_bind_text = sqlite3_bind_text_(stmt, pos, stringToUtf8bytes(val ), len_, whatIsThis)
end function ' }
' { sqlite3_column_text
function sqlite3_column_text ( _
byVal stmt as longPtr , _
byVal iCol as integer _
) as string
sqlite3_column_text = utf8ptrToString(sqlite3_column_text_(stmt, iCol))
end function ' }
option explicit
sub main() ' {
dim db as longPtr
db = openDB(environ("temp") & "\test.db")
execSQL db, "create table tab(foo, bar, baz)"
execSQL db, "insert into tab values(1, 'one', null);"
execSQL db, "insert into tab values(2, 2.2 ,'two');"
dim stmt as longPtr
stmt = prepareStmt(db, "insert into tab values(?, ?, ?)")
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 1, 3 ))
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2,"three", -1, 0 ))
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 3, 333 ))
checkStepRetval(sqlite3_step (stmt))
' sqlite3_reset(stmt) still seems necesssary although the documentation says
' that in version after 3.6.something, it should not be necessary anymore...
' TODO: or should sqlite3_clear_bindings be used?
sqlite3_reset(stmt) ' Or sqlite3_clear_bindings() ?
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 1, 55 ))
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2,"four" , -1, 0 ))
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, 3 ))
checkStepRetval(sqlite3_step (stmt))
sqlite3_reset(stmt) ' Or sqlite3_clear_bindings() ?
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, 1, 42 ))
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2,"Umlauts" , -1, 0 ))
checkBindRetval(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 3,"äöü ÄÖÜ éÉ", -1, 0 ))
checkStepRetval(sqlite3_step (stmt))
' sqlite3_reset(stmt) ' Or sqlite3_clear_bindings() ?
sqlite3_finalize stmt
end sub ' }
function openDB(fileName as string) as longPtr ' {
dim res as longPtr
res = sqlite3_open(fileName, openDB)
if res <> SQLITE_OK then
err.raise 1000, "openDB", "sqlite_open failed, res = " & res
end if
debug.print("SQLite db opened, db = " & openDB)
end function ' }
sub closeDB(db as longPtr) ' {
dim res as longPtr
res = sqlite3_close(db)
if res <> SQLITE_OK then
err.raise 1000, "closeDB", "sqlite_open failed, res = " & res
end if
end sub ' }
sub checkBindRetval(retVal as long) ' {
if retVal = SQLITE_OK then
exit sub
end if
if retVal = SQLITE_TOOBIG then
err.raise 1000, "checkBindRetval", "bind failed: String or BLOB exceeds size limit"
end if
if retVal = SQLITE_MISUSE then
err.raise 1000, "checkBindRetval", "bind failed: Library used incorrectly"
end if
err.raise 1000, "checkBindRetval", "bind failed, retVal = " & retVal
end sub ' }
sub checkStepRetval(retVal as long) ' {
if retVal = SQLITE_DONE then
exit sub
end if
err.raise 1000, "checkStepRetval", "step failed, retVal = " & retVal
end sub ' }
sub execSQL(db as longPtr, sql as string) ' {
dim res as longPtr
dim errmsg as string
res = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, 0, 0, errmsg)
if res <> SQLITE_OK then
err.raise 1000, "execSQL", "sqlite3_exec failed, res = " & res
end if
end sub ' }
function prepareStmt(db as longPtr, sql as string) as longPtr ' {
dim res as longPtr
res = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, prepareStmt, 0)
if res <> SQLITE_OK then
err.raise 1000, "prepareStmt", "sqlite3_prepare failed, res = " & res
end if
debug.print("stmt = " & prepareStmt)
end function ' }
sub selectFromTab(db as longPtr) ' {
dim stmt as longPtr
stmt = prepareStmt(db, "select * from tab where foo > ? order by foo")
sqlite3_bind_int stmt, 1, 2
dim rowNo as long
while sqlite3_step(stmt) <> SQLITE_DONE ' {
rowNo = rowNo + 1
dim colNo as long
colNo = 0
while colNo <= 2 ' {
if sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_INTEGER then
cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, colNo)
elseIf sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_FLOAT then
cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) = sqlite3_column_double(stmt, colNo)
elseIf sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_TEXT then
cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, colNo)
elseIf sqlite3_column_type(stmt, colNo) = SQLITE_NULL then
cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) ="n/a"
cells(rowNo, colNo + 1) ="?"
end if
colNo = colNo + 1
wend ' }
wend ' }
sqlite3_finalize stmt
end sub ' }
The sqlite_bind_*functions should accept a variant and then determine the variant's underlying data type and based upon this type call sqlite_bind_DATATYPE_() in winsqlite3.dll.