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SQL Server function: format

format(expr, fmt)
format(expr, fmt, culture)
format represents expr as specified in the format string fmt. fmt is a *.NET Framework format string*.

Formatting numbers

As far as I can tell, there is no elegant printf equivalent for SQL Server to create strings with a specific format. The function that comes closest to the functionality of printf seems to be format.
with n as (
   select  1.00     as um union all
   select  1.000001 as um union all
   select -1        as um union all
   select  0.3      as um union all
   select  0.007    as um union all
   select  123456   as um
   format(,  '0'    ),
   format(,  '#'    ),
   format(,  '0.00' ),
   format(,  '0.000'),
   format(,  '#.00' ),
   format(, '00.00' )
--  0        #        0.00       0.000        #.00       00.00
--  -------  -------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
--  1        1        1.00       1.000        1.00       01.00
--  1        1        1.00       1.000        1.00       01.00
--  -1       -1       -1.00      -1.000       -1.00      -01.00
--  0                 0.30       0.300        .30        00.30
--  0                 0.01       0.007        .01        00.01
--  123456   123456   123456.00  123456.000   123456.00  123456.00
Github repository about-MSSQL, path: /t-sql/functions/format/numbers.sql

Formatting dates

A date or time value can also be represented in string format with format (which then sort of simulates the strftime function).
The following few format strings are the ones that I find the most useful for dates:
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 'hh:mm'            ), 1,   5) hour_min,
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 'HH:mm'            ), 1,   5) hour24_min,
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 'hh:mm tt'         ), 1,   8) hour_min_xM,
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'       ), 1,  10) ymd,
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 'd'       , 'de-CH'), 1,  10) swiss_date,
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 'r'                ), 1,  29) rfc_1123,
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 's'                ), 1,  19) sortable,          -- ISO 8601
   substring(format(sysdatetime(), 'u'                ), 1,  19) universal_sortable
-- hour_min hour24_min hour_min_xM ymd        swiss_date rfc_1123                      sortable            universal_sortable
-- -------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
-- 03:01    15:01      03:01 PM    2019-09-24 24.09.2019 Tue, 24 Sep 2019 15:01:03 GMT 2019-09-24T15:01:03 2019-09-24 15:01:03   
Github repository about-MSSQL, path: /t-sql/functions/format/dates.sql
Compare with the VBA function format.


format requires the *.NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR)* to be present and can therefore not be remoted.

See also

The cast and convert functions.
T-SQL functions


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