Search notes:

Oracle: Columns of primary keys

The following select statement shows the (first 20) columns that participate in a primary key:
   max(case when col.position =  1 then col.column_name end) col_01,
   max(case when col.position =  2 then col.column_name end) col_02,
   max(case when col.position =  3 then col.column_name end) col_03,
   max(case when col.position =  4 then col.column_name end) col_04,
   max(case when col.position =  5 then col.column_name end) col_05,
   max(case when col.position =  6 then col.column_name end) col_06,
   max(case when col.position =  7 then col.column_name end) col_07,
   max(case when col.position =  8 then col.column_name end) col_08,
   max(case when col.position =  9 then col.column_name end) col_09,
   max(case when col.position = 10 then col.column_name end) col_20,
   max(case when col.position = 11 then col.column_name end) col_21,
   max(case when col.position = 12 then col.column_name end) col_22,
   max(case when col.position = 13 then col.column_name end) col_23,
   max(case when col.position = 14 then col.column_name end) col_24,
   max(case when col.position = 15 then col.column_name end) col_25,
   max(case when col.position = 16 then col.column_name end) col_26,
   max(case when col.position = 17 then col.column_name end) col_27,
   max(case when col.position = 18 then col.column_name end) col_28,
   max(case when col.position = 19 then col.column_name end) col_29,
   max(case when col.position = 20 then col.column_name end) col_20,
   listagg(col.column_name, ', ') within group (order by col.position)  as cols
   all_constraints    pkc  join
   all_cons_columns   col on pkc.owner  = col.owner and
                             pkc.constraint_name = col.constraint_name
   pkc.constraint_type = 'P'        and
   pkc.owner           =  user
group by
order by

See also

Columns of indices


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