Search notes:

Creating an MS Word documentation skeletton for a PL/SQL package with VBA

This simple VBA code uses ADODB to select the name of all procedures and their parameters from dba_arguments in order to create a documentation skeletton for the specified package (in the following example named THE_PLSQL_PACKAGE).
The name of each procedure/function is wrtten with the Heading 2 style.
If the procedure/function has arguments, a table with four columns is inserted:
The forth column is empty and can the be used to manually be filled.
option explicit

'  application.VBE.activeVBProject.references.addFromGuid "{B691E011-1797-432E-907A-4D8C69339129}", 6,  1

sub main ' {

    dim con as adodb.connection

    set con = openConnection("rene", "theSecret", "ora19")

    writeProcedures con, "THE_PLSQL_PACKAGE"

end sub ' }

private function openConnection(dbUser as string, dbPassword as string, dbName as string) as ADODB.connection ' {

   dim cn as    ADODB.connection
   set cn = new ADODB.connection

   dim fetchSize as long: fetchSize = 10000 ( _
      "User ID="     & dbUser       & _
     ";Password="    & dbPassword   & _
     ";Data Source=" & dbName       & _
     ";FetchSize="   & fetchSize    & _

   set openConnection = cn

   exit function

   if   err.number = -2147467259 then
              msgBox("Oracle error while opening connection: " & err.description)
              msgBox(err.number & " " & err.description)
   end if

end function ' }

private sub writeProcedures(con as adodb.connection, pkg as string) ' {

    dim rs as adodb.recordSet
    set rs = execSQLstatement(con, pkg)

    do while not rs.eof ' {
        writeProcedure rs
    loop ' }

end sub ' }

private sub writeProcedure(rs as adodb.recordSet) ' {

    dim headerText as string
    headerText = rs("PRC_OR_FNC") & " " & rs("NAME")

    selection.typeText headerText = activeDocument.styles("Heading 2")

    if rs("PRC_OR_FNC") = "Function" then ' {
       selection.typeText("Returns data type is " & rs("RET_DATA_TYPE"))
    end if ' }

    dim rngTable      as range
    dim rngAfterTable as range
    set rngTable      = selection.range

    set rngAfterTable = selection.range

    dim nofArguments as long : nofArguments = rs("ARG_CNT")

    if nofArguments > 0 then ' {
       dim tbl as table
       set tbl = activeDocument.tables.add(range := rngTable, numRows := nofArguments + 1, numColumns := 4)
       tbl.allowAutofit = true

       selection.font.bold = true
       selection.typeText "Argument name"

       selection.font.bold = true
       selection.typeText "Data type"

       selection.font.bold = true
       selection.typeText "Def?"

       dim curArg as long

       for curArg = 1 to nofArguments ' {

           tbl.cell(curArg+1, 1).select

           tbl.cell(curArg+1, 2).select

           tbl.cell(curArg+1, 3).select


       next curArg ' }

       dim brd as borders
       set brd = tbl.rows(1).borders
       brd(wdBorderTop   ).lineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
       brd(wdBorderTop   ).lineWidth = wdLineWidth100pt
       brd(wdBorderBottom).lineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
       brd(wdBorderBottom).lineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt

       set brd = tbl.rows(nofArguments+1).borders
       brd(wdBorderBottom).lineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
       brd(wdBorderBottom).lineWidth = wdLineWidth100pt

    end if ' }

end sub ' }

private function execSQLstatement(con as adodb.connection, pkg as string) as ADODB.recordSet ' {

    dim cmd as new ADODB.command
    dim rs  as new ADODB.recordset

  ' { SQL Statement

     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "select" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   case when new_item = 'new' then prc_or_fnc      end prc_or_fnc," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   case when new_item = 'new' then prc_or_fnc_name end name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   case when new_item = 'new' then ret_data_type   end ret_data_type," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   count(arg_name) over (partition by prc_counter)     arg_cnt," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_in_out," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_data_type," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_pls_type," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_defaulted," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_type_name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_type_owner" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "from (" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "select" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   case when prc.subprogram_id !=" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "             nvl(lag(prc.subprogram_id) over (" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                       order by" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                          prc.procedure_name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                          prc.subprogram_id," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                          case when arg.position = 0 then 99999999 else arg.position end)," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                 0" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                ) then 'new' else '' end new_item," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   case" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "     when arg.position is null        then 'Procedure'" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "     when arg.position = arg.sequence then 'Procedure'" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "     else                                  'Function'" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   end                          prc_or_fnc," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   ret.data_type                ret_data_type," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.position                 arg_pos," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.sequence                 arg_seq," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.procedure_name           prc_or_fnc_name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   lag(prc.subprogram_id) over (order by prc.subprogram_id, arg.position)," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.subprogram_id            prc_counter," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.argument_name            arg_name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.in_out                   arg_in_out," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.data_type                arg_data_type," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.pls_type                 arg_pls_type," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.type_owner               arg_type_owner," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.type_name                arg_type_name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg.defaulted                arg_defaulted," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.overload," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.aggregate," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.pipelined" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "from" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   dba_procedures prc                                                   left join" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   dba_arguments  arg on prc.owner         = arg.owner         and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                         prc.object_name   = arg.package_name  and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                         prc.subprogram_id = arg.subprogram_id and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                         arg.position      > 0                          left join" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   dba_arguments  ret on prc.owner         = ret.owner         and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                         prc.object_name   = ret.package_name  and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                         prc.subprogram_id = ret.subprogram_id and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "                         ret.position      = 0" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "where" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.procedure_name is not null           and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.object_name =  :obj                  and" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc.owner       =  user" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & ")" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "order by" & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc_or_fnc_name," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   prc_counter," & vbCrlf
     cmd.commandText = cmd.commandText & "   arg_pos" & vbCrlf

    ' }

    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

    cmd.activeConnection = con
    cmd.namedParameters  = true

    dim p as adodb.parameter
    set p = cmd.createParameter("OBJ", adVarchar, adParamInput, 4000, pkg)

    cmd.parameters.append p

    set execSQLstatement = cmd.execute

end function ' }

See also

MS Word VBA: Insert multiple tables
