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Oracle Scheduler Objects

Scheduler objects are standard Oracle objects. Thus,
Job The fundamental scheduler object.
Job classes Allows to assign the same attributes or set resource definitions to/for mulitple (so called member-) jobs.
Program Description of the action to be executed by the scheduler.
Schedule Specification of when and how often a job is run.
File watcher Specification of file characteristics. When a file matching these characteristics arrives on the Server, a job is triggered.
Window An time interval
Chain Specification of dependencies among jobs.
Credentials A username-password pair.
Group A list of scheduler objects
Incompatibility ?

Job Class

A job class groups a set of jobs so that the can be administered simulataneously.

Window group


The window group MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_GROUP contains maintenance windows.
By default, predefined maintenance windows use the resource plan DEFAULT_MAINTENANCE_PLAN.
See also dba_autotask_window_clients, dba_autotask_schedule and dbms_auto_task_admin.

Destination Group

A destination group is a scheduler object that contains a list of scheduler destination objects.


A scheduler objects has attributes that can be set or modified with dbms_scheduler.set_attribute.


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