Search notes:

Data directory

On Linux, the default data directory for Bitcoin core is ~/.bitcoin.
On Windows, its %APPDATA%\Bitcoin.
The data directory contains or might contain:

Directory blocks

The blocks directory within the data directory contains:

Directory chainstate

The chainstate directory is a LevelDB database and managed by CDBWrapper.
It represents all currently unspent transactions along with some information where these transactions come from.
Using this database speeds up validation of transactions. Without this database, such a validation would also be possible, but the entire block-data would have to be scanned for every output being spent.
The data could be rebuilt from the block data which. However, that takes a long time. (See -reindex command line flag).
src/txdb.h contains the following comment:
CCoinsView backed by the coin database (chainstate)


If bitcoin-qt is run with -testnet, it creates the directory testnet3 under the data diretory.
testnet3 then contains the same files (with different content) as the data directory.

Scrambling data

Some data (in levelDB?) is scrambled because otherwise some virus scanners would falsly detect them as potential harmful.

See also

Block database

