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Bitcoin block

A block is a record in the blockchain.
A new block is added at to the blockchain at almost a constant rate approximately every 10 minutes. about-me A block consists of a block header and transaction data.
A block stores the hash of the previous block's header.
The first transaction in a block is special: it starts a new coin which is owned by the creator of the block.
Explore blocks with blockexplorer. For example, This link shows the very first block created.


Every block stores transactions.
The first of these transactions is a coinbase transaction

Block header

The block header stores the hash of the previous block in the blockchain.
The block header also stores the merkle root of the merkle tree of the hashes of the transactions stored in the transaction data section of the block.
There is also the nonce.
The hash of a block header starts with many zeroes because of the requirement of the proof of work to create the block.

Maximum size of a block

The size of a block is limited to 1 MB.
This is currently hardcoded in /src/consensus/consensus.h

Block categories

Three categories of blocks:
Blocks in the main branch and on side branches form a tree whose root is the genesis block.
The main branch is the branch with the highest sum of difficulty from genesis block to the respective leave block.

Block height

The block height is a number that indicates how much blocks there are between the genesis block (block 0) and the block with this number.
Multiple blocks can have the same block height. This is usually the case when two or more miners create a block roughly simultaneously.
This creates a fork in the blockchain.

Genesis block

The first block, or block 0, is also called the genesis block.

Block database

The block database stores all information that a client has downloaded to a node.
The block database is stored in the data directory in the directories blocks (the actual Bitcoin blocks) and chainstate (unspent transaction output).


See also

