Search notes:

Stellarium API: core.screenshot

core.screenshot(…) takes a screenshot of the scene currently rendered in Stellarium.
screenshot	(	
   prefix   ,  // string, prefix of file name
   invert   ,  // boolean, default = false, compare value of invert_screenshots_colors in config.ini
   dir      ,  // string, directory where image of screenshot is stored, compare value of screenshot_dir in config.ini
   overwrite,  // boolean, default = false,
   format      // string, 'png', 'jpg' etc…
If the directory is not specified, the screenshot is stored in the default directory that is specified in the config.ini file under the section [main].
If overwrite is false, the name of the image is prefix_DDD.format where ddd is the next number 000 -> 001 -> 002 -> …
If overwrite is true, The value of prefix.format is the name of the created image.


// vi: ft=javascript

// Go to Irchelturm
    8 + 36/60 + 25.85/60/60, // core.dmsToRad( 8, 36, 25.85 ), // longitude
   47 + 32/60 + 21.48/60/60, // core.dmsToRad(47, 32, 21.48 ), // latitude
    0,                       // Altitude
    0,                       // Time to travel
   "",                       // or "Irchelturm",
   "Earth"                   // This parameter seems necessary

// Set date and time of observation
   'local'              , // or 'utc'
    true                  // enable Delta T correction

StelMovementMgr.zoomTo(25, 0.01);

core.wait(0.01); // Why, oh why is this necessary?

core.moveToRaDec(22.43719, 5.925423);

// Take screenshot
   'screenshot-test'                                            ,
    false                                                       ,  // invert
    core.getEnv('github_top_root') + 'about/Stellarium/API/core',  // directory
    true                                                        ,  // overwrite
   'png'                                                           // format
Github repository about-Stellarium, path: /API/core/screenshot.ssc

See also

Stellarium Script API
