Search notes:

Stellarium: config.ini

The config.ini file is found in the user data directory of Stellarium.
The [shortcuts] section allows to modify keyboard shortcuts.
The sections [DialogPositions] and [DialogSizes] allow to configure the positions of the Stellarium dialogs (popups).


The section [main] might look like so:
invert_screenshots_colors              = false
screenshot_dir                         = C:/Users/Rene/Pictures/Stellarium
version                                = 0.20.2
screenshot_dir specifies the default directory for screenshots, see the Stellarium Script API function core.screenshot().
Similarly, invert_screenshots_colors seems to correspond to the optional parameter invert (also in the function core.screenshot()).


auto_move_duration                     = 1.4
auto_zoom_out_resets_direction         = false
flag_enable_mouse_navigation           = true
flag_enable_move_keys                  = true
flag_enable_zoom_keys                  = true
flag_manual_zoom                       = false
init_fov                               = 1
init_view_pos                          = 0.0291577,0.845942,0.532477
mouse_zoom                             = 10
move_speed                             = 0.0004
preset_sky_time                        = 2451514.250011573
startup_time_mode                      = Actual
today_time                             = 22:00
viewing_mode                           = horizon
zoom_speed                             = 0.00035


TODO: changed AngleMeasure to true, Oculars to false.
AngleMeasure                           = true
ArchaeoLines                           = false
CompassMarks                           = false
EquationOfTime                         = false
Exoplanets                             = true
FOV                                    = true
MeteorShowers                          = true
NavStars                               = false
Novae                                  = true
Observability                          = false
Oculars                                = false
PointerCoordinates                     = false
Pulsars                                = false
Quasars                                = false
RemoteControl                          = false
RemoteSync                             = false
Satellites                             = true
Scenery3d                              = false
SolarSystemEditor                      = true
Supernovae                             = false
TelescopeControl                       = false
TextUserInterface                      = false


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