Search notes:

Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

PendingFileRenameOperations Stores names of files that were marked to replace when Windows is restarted (apperently not working when fast rebooting is used). See also the value of MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT for dwFlags of MoveFileEx.


This value contains the names and arguments of programs that are execute by the Session Manager (smss.exe).
A typical value is autocheck autochk *.
The session manager looks executables listed in this value under %SYSTEMROOT%\System32.
See autochk.exe


The value of CriticalSectionTimeout specifies how many seconds a thread can hold a critical section (EnterCriticalSection).
The default is 2592000 which corresponds to 30 days.


GlobalFlag is a DWORD where each bit corresponds to advanced internal system diagnostic and troubleshooting features that can be turned on or off.
These values can be enabled or disabled with gflags.exe.
Some Global Flags include:
Buffer DbgPrint Output FLG_DISABLE_DBGPRINT 0x08000000 ddp R,K suppresses debugger output from DbgPrint, DbgPrintEx, KdPrint and KdPrintEx
Create kernel mode stack trace database FLG_KERNEL_STACK_TRACE_DB 0x2000 kst R creates a run-time stack trace database of kernel operations, such as resource objects and object management operations (requires checked build of Windows)
Create user mode stack trace database FLG_USER_STACK_TRACE_DB 0x1000 ust R,K,I creates a run-time stack trace database (individual processes or system wide)
Debug initial command FLG_DEBUG_INITIAL_COMMAND 0x04 dic R debugs the Client Server Run-time Subsystem (CSRSS) and the WinLogon process.
Debug WinLogon FLG_DEBUG_INITIAL_COMMAND_EX 0x04000000 dwl R
Disable heap coalesce on free FLG_HEAP_DISABLE_COALESCING 0x00200000 dhc R,K,I leave adjacent blocks of heap memory separate when they are freed
Disable paging of kernel stacks FLG_DISABLE_PAGE_KERNEL_STACKS 0x080000 dps R prevent paging of the kernel-mode stacks of inactive threads.
Disable protected DLL verification FLG_DISABLE_PROTDLLS 0x80000000 dpd R,K,I has no effect on Windows
Disable stack extension FLG_DISABLE_STACK_EXTENSION 0x010000 dse I prevent the kernel from extending the stacks of the threads in the process beyond the initial committed memory
Early critical section event creation FLG_CRITSEC_EVENT_CREATION 0x10000000 cse R,K,I create event handles when a critical section is initialized, rather than waiting until the event is needed.
Enable application verifier FLG_APPLICATION_VERIFIER 0x0100 vrf R,K,I page heap verification, lock checks, and handle checks.
Enable bad handles detection FLG_ENABLE_HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS 0x40000000 bhd R,K raise a user-mode exception (STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) whenever a user-mode process passes an invalid handle to the Object Manager.
Enable close exception FLG_ENABLE_CLOSE_EXCEPTIONS 0x400000 ece R,K
Enable debugging of Win32 subsystem FLG_ENABLE_CSRDEBUG 0x020000 d32 R debugs the Client Server Run-time Subsystem (csrss.exe) in the NTSD debugger.
Enable exception logging FLG_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_LOGGING 0x800000 eel R,K create a log of exception records in the kernel run-time library which can be read by a kernel debugger
Enable heap free checking FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_FREE_CHECK 0x20 hfc R,K,I validate each heap allocation when it is freed.
Enable heap parameter checking FLG_HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS 0x40 hpc R,K,I verifies selected aspects of the heap whenever a heap function is called.
Enable heap tagging FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAGGING 0x0800 htg R,K,I assign unique tags to heap allocations.
Enable heap tagging by DLL FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAG_BY_DLL 0x8000 htd R,K,I assign a unique tag to heap allocations created by the same DLL.
Enable heap tail checking FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAIL_CHECK 0x10 htc R,K,I check for buffer overruns when the heap is freed.
Enable heap validation on call FLG_HEAP_VALIDATE_ALL 0x80 hvc R,K,I validate the entire heap each time a heap function is called.
Enable loading of kernel debugger symbols FLG_ENABLE_KDEBUG_SYMBOL_LOAD 0x040000 ksl R,K load kernel symbols into the kernel memory space the next time Windows starts.
Enable object handle type tagging FLG_ENABLE_HANDLE_TYPE_TAGGING 0x01000000 eot R,K has no effect on Windows
Enable page heap FLG_HEAP_PAGE_ALLOCS 0x02000000 hpa R,K,I turn on page heap verification
Enable pool tagging (Windows 2000 and Windows XP only) FLG_POOL_ENABLE_TAGGING 0x0400 ptg R collect data and calculates statistics about pool memory allocations sorted by pool tag value.
Enable system critical breaks FLG_ENABLE_SYSTEM_CRIT_BREAKS 0x100000 scb R, K, I forces a system break into the debugger.
Load image using large pages if possible lpg I directs the system to use large pages (4 MB) rather than the standard small pages (4 KB) when mapping binaries into the process address space
Maintain a list of objects for each type FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST 0x4000 otl R collects and maintains a list of active objects by object type, for example, event, mutex, and semaphore. (Is this related to openfiles.exe? Can it be set/disabled with openfiles.exe /local [on|off]?)
Enable silent process exit monitoring FLG_MONITOR_SILENT_PROCESS_EXIT 0x200 R enable silent exit monitoring for a process.
Object Reference Tracing R, K
Show loader snaps FLG_SHOW_LDR_SNAPS 0x02 sls R,K,I capture detailed information about the loading and unloading of executable images and their supporting library modules
Special Pool spp R,K configure Windows to request memory allocations from a reserved memory pool when the memory is allocated with a specified pool tag or is within a specified size range.
Stop on exception FLG_STOP_ON_EXCEPTION 0x01 soe R,K,I cause the kernel to break into the kernel debugger whenever a kernel-mode exception occurs.
Stop on hung GUI FLG_STOP_ON_HUNG_GUI 0x08 shg K Has no effect on Windows
Stop on unhandled user-mode exception FLG_STOP_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION 0x20000000 sue R,K,I cause a break into the kernel debugger whenever an unhandled user-mode exception occurs.
See also the GFlags Flag Table on Microsoft's documentation

See also

The value of GlobalFlag under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\progName.exe
