Search notes:


Event Trace Report Tool
Create a readable (CSV, XML, …) file from an .etl file.

Usage / Options

C:\Windows\system32\tracerpt.exe <[-l] <value [value [...]]>|-rt <session_name [session_name [...]]>> [options]

  -?                            Displays context sensitive help.
  -config <filename>            Settings file containing command options.
  -y                            Answer yes to all questions without prompting.
  -f <XML|HTML>                 Report format.
  -of <CSV|EVTX|XML>            Dump format, the default is XML.
  -en <ANSI|Unicode>            Output file encoding. Only allowed with CSV output format.
  -df <filename>                Microsoft specific counting/reporting schema file.
  -import <filename [filename [...]]> Event Schema import file.
  -int <filename>               Dump interpreted event structure into specified file.
  -rts                          Report raw timestamp in event trace header. Can only be used with -o, not -report or -summary.
  -tmf <filename>               Trace Message Format definition file
  -tp <value>                   TMF file search path. Multiple paths can be used, separated with ';'.
  -i <value>                    Specifies the provider image path. The matching PDB will be located in the Symbol Server. Multiple paths can be used, separated with
  -pdb <value>                  Specifies the symbol server path. Multiple paths can be used, separated with ';'.
  -gmt                          Convert WPP payload timestamps to GMT time
  -rl <value>                   System Report Level from 1 to 5, the default value is 1.
  -summary [filename]           Summary report text file. Default is summary.txt.
  -o [filename]                 Text output file. Default is `dumpfile.xml`.
  -report [filename]            Text output report file. Default is `workload.xml`.
  -lr                           Less restrictive; use best effort for events not matching event schema.
  -export [filename]            Event Schema export file. Default is
  [-l] <value [value [...]]>    Event Trace log file to process.
  -rt <session_name [session_name [...]]> Real-time Event Trace Session data source.

  tracerpt logfile1.etl logfile2.etl -o logdump.xml -of XML
  tracerpt logfile.etl -o logdmp.xml -of XML -lr -summary logdmp.txt -report logrpt.xml
  tracerpt logfile1.etl logfile2.etl -o -report
  tracerpt logfile.etl counterfile.blg -report logrpt.xml -df schema.xml
  tracerpt -rt "NT Kernel Logger" -o logfile.csv -of CSV

See also

