Search notes:

Microsoft Data Access Components

MDAC consists of three primary technologies:
ADO is a high level interface to the lower level OLE-DB interface. Both, ADO and OLE-DB, can work with relational databases and hierarchical or stream data.
ODBC is also a low level interface that only works with relational databases.

Windows Data Access Components (WDAC)

With Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft changed the name from MDAC to WDAC (= Windows Data Access Components).
WDAC is included as part of the operating system.
Note that WDAC is also the abbreviation for Windows Defender Application Control.


MDAC/WDAC consists of the following components:

Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries

SQL Server Network Libraries allow SQLOLEDB and SQLODBC to communicate with the SQL Server database.
Deprecated Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries:
  • Banyan Vines
  • AppleTalk
  • ServerNet
  • Giganet
  • RPC
TCP/IP and Named Pipes will continue to be supported and are available on the 64-bit Windows operating system.


MSDASQL ships with the Windows operating system, and Windows Server 2008 and Vista SP1 were the first Windows releases to include a 64-bit version of the technology.

See also

The MDAC version can be found in the value of FullInstallVer under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\DataAccess.

