Search notes:


Bash stands for Bourne-Again Shell.
Bash: for
Bash: if (See also Bash: conditional constructs).
Bash - shopt
Bash: while
Bash: scripts
Bash: conditional constructs
bash - variables

Relationship to /bin/sh

On some systems /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/bash.
On such systems, if bash is invoked via sh or /bin/sh, bash tries to follow the startup behaviour of older versions of sh, but also to conform to the POSIX standard.


programmable completion

Embed hexadecimal characters in strings

A string literal in the form $'…' allows to embed characters in hexadecimal form:
echo   $'The first character of the alphabet is \x41'
The built-in echo command has the special -e flag which also allows to embed hexadecimal characters.
echo -e "The first character of the alphabet is \x41"

See also

Bash command line editing
Bash builtins
Bash: quoting
bash.exe is bash for the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
