Search notes:

Oracle VM VirtualBox: Virtual machine

Listing all virtual machines (guests)

On the command line, the registered virtual machines can be displayed with:
VBoxManage list vms
VBoxManage list runningvms

Machine folder

Each virtual machine is associated with a (file system) directory which stores all files for that virtual machine.
Each virtual machine is associated with a machine folder which contains the files required to run the virtual machine:
Additionally, it seems that the machine folder also stores (sometimes?)
The default location for the machine folder is $HOME/VirtualBox VMs (that is %USERPROFILE%\VirtualBox VMs on Windows and $HOME/VirtualBox VMs on Linux.
This location can be changed with
VBoxManage setproperty machinefolder $dirMachineFolder
The current value for some few machine folder related configurations can be queried (in PowerShell on Windows):
VBoxManage showvminfo $vmName | findstr /c:"Config file:"
VBoxManage showvminfo $vmName | findstr /c:"Log folder:"
VBoxManage showvminfo $vmName | findstr /c:"Snapshot folder:"
VBoxManage showvminfo $vmName | findstr /c:"BIOS NVRAM File:"

See also

A virtual machine can be cloned.
VirtualBoxVM.exe, VBoxSVC.exe, VBoxHeadless.exe
VirtualBox: Unattended OS installation with PowerShell
virtual machine
