Search notes:

Uploading CLOBs to Oracle with VBA

The table

create table tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_tab(clb clob);

The test PL/SQL Package


create or replace package tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg authid definer as

   procedure upload_prc(clb clob);
   function  upload_fnc(clb clob) return clob;

-- Piecewise upload
   procedure upload_pieces_beg;
   procedure upload_pieces_add(piece varchar2);
   procedure upload_pieces_end;

end tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg;


create or replace package body tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg as

   upload_pieces_clb clob;

   procedure upload_prc(clb clob) is
      pragma autonomous_transaction;
      insert into tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_tab (clb) values (clb);
   end upload_prc;

   function upload_fnc(clb clob) return clob is
      return 'dummy';
   end upload_fnc;

   procedure upload_pieces_beg is begin
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(upload_pieces_clb, false);
   end upload_pieces_beg;

   procedure upload_pieces_add(piece varchar2) is begin
       dbms_lob.append(upload_pieces_clb, piece);
   end upload_pieces_add;

   procedure upload_pieces_end is begin
   end upload_pieces_end;

end tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg;

Testing the *upload pieces* interface without VBA:

exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_beg;
exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_add('abc');
exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_add(lpad('.', 32000, '.'));
exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_add(lpad('.', 32000, '.'));
exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_add(lpad('.', 32000, '.'));
exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_add(lpad('.', 32000, '.'));
exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_add('xyz');
exec tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_end;

The VBA subs

' application.VBE.activeVBProject.references.addFromGuid "{B691E011-1797-432E-907A-4D8C69339129}", 6,  1
option explicit

sub insert_direct(txt as string) ' {

    dim stmt as new adodb.command
    dim conn as adodb.connection : set conn = connectOra
    set stmt.activeConnection = conn

    stmt.commandText = "insert into tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_tab (clb) values (:clb)"

    dim param as adodb.parameter
    set param = stmt.createParameter(, adLongVarChar, adParamInput, 1000& * 1000)
    stmt.parameters.append param

    param.value = txt ' "123456789" & string(63980, ".") & "zyxwvutsrq"

    conn.execute "commit"

end sub ' }

sub add_pieces(txt as string) ' {

    dim conn as adodb.connection : set conn = connectOra

    dim stmt_beg as new adodb.command : set stmt_beg.activeConnection = conn
    dim stmt_add as new adodb.command : set stmt_add.activeConnection = conn
    dim stmt_end as new adodb.command : set stmt_end.activeConnection = conn

    stmt_beg.commandText = "begin tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_beg    ; end;"
    stmt_add.commandText = "begin tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_add(:p); end;"
    stmt_end.commandText = "begin tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_pieces_end    ; end;"

    dim pieceSize as long : pieceSize = 4096

    dim param as adodb.parameter
    set param = stmt_add.createParameter(, adVarChar, adParamInput, pieceSize)
    stmt_add.parameters.append param


    dim numChunks as long
    dim remainder as long
    dim i         as long

    numChunks = len(txt)  \  pieceSize
    remainder = len(txt) mod pieceSize

    if remainder > 0 Then
       numChunks = numChunks + 1
    end if

    for i = 1 to numChunks
        if i = numChunks and remainder > 0 Then
           param.value = mid(txt, (i - 1) * pieceSize + 1, remainder)
           param.value = mid(txt, (i - 1) * pieceSize + 1, pieceSize)
        end if
    next i


end sub ' }

sub use_function(txt as string) ' {

    dim stmt as new adodb.command
    set stmt.activeConnection = connectOra

    stmt.commandText = "select tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_fnc(:1) from dual"

    dim param as adodb.parameter
    set param = stmt.createParameter(, adLongVarChar, adParamInput, 1000& * 1000)
'   param.attributes = adFldLong
    stmt.parameters.append param

    param.value = txt '  "123456789" & string(63980, ".") & "zyxwvutsrq"

    dim rs as adodb.recordSet
    set rs = stmt.execute


end sub ' }

sub use_procedure(txt as string) ' {

    dim stmt as new adodb.command
    set stmt.activeConnection = connectOra

    stmt.commandText = "begin tq84_upload_clob_from_vba_via_plsql_pkg.upload_prc(:1); end;"

    dim param as adodb.parameter
    set param = stmt.createParameter(, adLongVarChar, adParamInput, 1000& * 1000)
  ' param.attributes = adParamLong
    param.attributes = adFldLong
    stmt.parameters.append param

    param.value = txt

    dim dummy as long
    stmt.execute dummy

end sub ' }

function connectOra() as adodb.connection
 on error goto err_

    dim user_id  as string
    dim password as string
    dim dbName   as string

    dbName   = "ora19"
    user_id  = "[rene]"
    password = ""

    set connectOra = new adodb.connection                       _
         "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1"   & _
        ";Persist Security Info=False"  & _
        ";User ID="     & user_id       & _
        ";Password="    & password      & _
        ";Data Source=" & dbName        & _
        ";FetchSize=10000"              & _
        ";Extended Properties="""""

    exit function

    if left(err.description, 9) = "ORA-01017" then
       msgBox "Not enough privileges to connect to the database"
    end if

end function

Test execution

The following two subs throw ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
use_procedure "proc" & string(99999, ".") & "crop"
use_function  "func" & string(99999, ".") & "cnuf"
These work OK:
add_pieces    "piec" & string(99999, ".") & "ceip"
insert_direct "insd" & string(99999, ".") & "dsni"
