Search notes:


An ADODB.Command represents an action that is performed on the (OLE-DB?) datasource. Typically, such a command is an SQL statement.
An command object is usually used to parametrize an SQL statement.
This allows to execute the «same» SQL statement multiple times where on each execution its parameters are set to different values.
These parameters are defined using the command object's parameters collection which happens to be the default member of the command object.
A statement that is not parametrized and executed only once, can alternatively also be executed with the execute() method of the ADODB.Connection object.
If the command object (that is: its action) returns data (for example for select statements), the data is returned in a recordSet object.
The command is executed by invoking its execute() method.

Methods and properties

activeConnection A connection object.
cancel() Terminates the execution of an asynchronous method call (i. e. a method invoked with the adAsyncConnect, adAsyncExecute or adAsyncFetch option).
commandStream This property is mutually exclusive to using commandText
commandText The SQL statement, table name, relative URL or stored procedure call.
commandType Setting commandType helps determine the command type of commandText (adCmdText, adCmdTable or adCmdStoredProc)
createParameter() Creates a parameter object with the specified properties.
dialect A GUID that represents the dialect of the command text or stream. The default value for this property is {C8B521FB-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}, which indicates that the provider should choose how to interpret the command text or stream.
execute() Execute the statement that is associated with the command object.
namedParameters false (default) or true. Determines if parameters are passed in order or by name.
parameters A collection of parameter objects.
prepared false or true
properties A collection of property objects.

See also

Other ADO objects in the ADO object model.
