Search notes:

Excel: Find cells matching a given regular expression or contain whitespace characters only


findRegex is a function that iterates over the cells over an Excel's active worksheet's used range to find the cells that match a given regular expression.
option explicit
sub findRegex(pattern as string) ' {
    dim c as range
    dim reWS as new regexp
    reWS.pattern = pattern
    for each c in activeSheet.usedRange
        if reWS.test(c.value) then
           debug.print c.address
         ' c.value = ""
        end if
    next c
end sub ' }
In order to be able to refer to the regexp object models by name, the following reference needs to be added in the workbook:
thisWorkbook.VBProject.references.addFromGuid GUID:="{3F4DACA7-160D-11D2-A8E9-00104B365C9F}", major := 5, minor  :=  5


findWhitespaces is a function that uses findRegex with the regular expresion [ \t\n\r]+ to uses finds cells that contain only spaces, tabs and/or new lines.
This function comes handy to reduce the size of usedRange if there are some cells with whitespace lingering.
sub findWhitespaces() ' {
    findRegex "[ \t\n\r]+"
end sub ' }

See also

VBA: Regular expressions
The complete(?) list of Unicode white space code points.
