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PHP: Accessing an SQLite database with PDO

Some PHP code snippets that try to demonstrate how an SQLite can be accessed from PHP and PDO.

Create the database

The first script uses file_exists($dbFile) to check if the SQLite database already exists and, if so, deletes it with unlink($dbFile).
With new PDO("sqlite:$dbFile"), a new and empty SQLite database is created.
<head><title>PDO - SQLite: create db</title></head>


  $dbFile = 'the.db';
  if (file_exists($dbFile)) {
     echo("The file <code>$dbFile</code> exists. It is going to be deleted.<p>");

  $db = new PDO("sqlite:$dbFile");


<a href='02_create_table.html'>create a table</a>

Github repository about-php, path: /db/pdo/sqlite/01_create_db.html

Create a table

This script uses the exec method to run a create table statement.
<head><title>PDO - SQLite: Create table</title></head>


  $db = new PDO("sqlite:the.db");

  try {
    $db -> exec('create table foo (col_1 number, col_2 varchar2)');

    print ("Table foo created");

    print ("<p><a href='02_create_table.html'>Create table again</a> and receive an error");

  catch(PDOException $e) {

    print ("exception " . $e->getMessage());


  print ("<p><a href='03_insert_values.html'>Insert values</a> into table");


Github repository about-php, path: /db/pdo/sqlite/02_create_table.html

Insert values

This example uses prepare to prepare an insert statement with parameters (:val_1 and :val_2).
The returned (prepared) statement can then be used (executed) mulitple times with
In order to do so, the statement's bindParam method must be used to associate the statement's placeholders with PHP-variables.
When the statement's execute method is called, the values as set to the variables are then inserted into the table.
<head><title>PDO - SQLite: Insert values</title></head>


  $db = new PDO("sqlite:the.db"); 

  try {
    $stmt_h = $db -> prepare ('insert into foo values (:val_1, :val_2)');

    $stmt_h -> bindParam(':val_1', $v1);
    $stmt_h -> bindParam(':val_2', $v2);

    $v1 = 1;
    $v2 ='one';
    $stmt_h -> execute();

    $v1 = 2;
    $v2 ='two';
    $stmt_h -> execute();

    $v1 = 3;
    $v2 ='three';
    $stmt_h -> execute();

    $v1 = 4;
    $v2 ='four';
    $stmt_h -> execute();

    $v1 = 5;
    $v2 ='five';
    $stmt_h -> execute();

  catch(PDOException $e) {

    print ("exception " . $e->getMessage());

  print ("<p><a href='04_select_values.html'>Select</a> the inserted values");


Github repository about-php, path: /db/pdo/sqlite/03_insert_values.html

Select values

This example tries to demonstrate how the inserted values can be queried with a select statement.
<head><title>PDO - SQLite: Select values</title></head>


  $db = new PDO("sqlite:the.db"); 

  try {

    $res = $db -> query('select * from foo order by col_2');

    print '<table>';
    foreach ($res as $row) {

      print '<tr><td>' . $row['col_1'] . '</td><td>' . $row['col_2'] . '</td></tr>';

    print '</table>';

  catch(PDOException $e) {

    print ("exception " . $e->getMessage());

  print "<p><a href='05_select_values_with_param.html'>Select</a> values with parameter";


Github repository about-php, path: /db/pdo/sqlite/04_select_values.html

Select values with parameters

As in the insert example above, it is also possible to use parameters in select statements.
<head><title>PDO - SQLite: Select values with params</title></head>


  $db = new PDO("sqlite:the.db"); 

  try {

    $stmt_h = $db -> prepare('select * from foo where col_1 > :param_1 and col_2 like :param_2');

    $stmt_h -> execute(array(1, '%o%'));

    $res = $stmt_h -> fetchAll();

    print '<table>';
    foreach ($res as $row) {

      print '<tr><td>' . $row['col_1'] . '</td><td>' . $row['col_2'] . '</td></tr>';

    print '</table>';

  catch(PDOException $e) {

    print ("exception " . $e->getMessage());

  print "<p><a href='99_clean_up.html'>clean up</a>";


Github repository about-php, path: /db/pdo/sqlite/05_select_values_with_param.html

Cleaning up

Delete the database.
<head><title>PDO - SQLite: Select values with params</title></head>



  print "Database deleted, <a href='01_create_db.html'>start over</a>.";


Github repository about-php, path: /db/pdo/sqlite/99_clean_up.html

See also

Regular expressions in PHP for SQLite
The statement class
Accessing a MySQL database with PHP
