Search notes:

Vim functions: strchars vs strwidth vs strlen vs strdisplaywidth

A small script to demonstrate the difference between strchars, strwidth, strlen and strdisplaywidth.
" ../run_ _str_len_width_chars_etc

redir > _str_len_width_chars_etc.out

fu! ShowWidths(string) " {

    echo a:string
    echo '  strchars:        ' . strchars       (a:string)
    echo '  strwidth:        ' . strwidth       (a:string)
    echo '  strlen:          ' . strlen         (a:string)
    echo '  strdisplaywidth: ' . strdisplaywidth(a:string)

    echo ''

endfu " }

call ShowWidths('abc')
" strchars:        3
" strwidth:        3
" strlen:          3
" strdisplaywidth: 3

call ShowWidths('ä')
" strchars:        1
" strwidth:        1
" strlen:          2
" strdisplaywidth: 1

call ShowWidths('せ')
" strchars:        1
" strwidth:        2
" strlen:          3
" strdisplaywidth: 2

call ShowWidths("\t")
" strchars:        1
" strwidth:        1
" strlen:          1
" strdisplaywidth: 8

redir END
Github repository about-vim, path: /vimscript/functions/_str_len_width_chars_etc.vim

See also

Vim: built in functions
VIM script


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