Search notes:

Ecma standards

ECMA was founded 1961-06-17 in Geneva. At that time , ECMA stood for European Computer Manufacturers Association.
In 1994, the organization became global and changed their name to Ecma international - European association for standardizing information and communication systems. (Note the shift from all-uppercase letters ECMA to only init-cap Ecma).
Some interesting (imho) standards are
ECMA-168 Volume and File Structure of Read-Only and Write-Once Compact Disk Media for Information Interchange ISO 9960 Level 3 (ISO/IEC3490)
ECMA-262 ECMAScript ISO/IEC 16262
ECMA-334 C# programming language ISO/IEC 23270
ECMA-335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) ISO/IEC 23271
ECMA-372 C++/CLI Language Specification
ECMA-376 Office Open XML
ECMA-404 The JSON Data Interchange Syntax
