Search notes:

Regular expressions: start and end of line ($, ^)

^ and $ are zero width regular expression anchors that match the beginning or end of the matched string.
With multi line mode, ^ also matches right after a new line, $ right before a new line.

PowerShell examples

By default $ matches at the end of a string, but not before a new line;
PS C:\> "one`ntwo`nthree" -replace '$', ' EOT'
three EOT
With multi line mode, $ also matches before an end of line:
PS C:\> "one`ntwo`nthree" -replace '(?m)$', ' EOL'
one EOL
two EOL
three EOL
It should be noted that the .NET regular expression engine only considers \n (0x0a) to be a new line, but not \r\n (0x0d 0x0a).
PS C:\> "foo`nbar" -match '(?m)o$'

PS C:\> "foo`r`nbar" -match '(?m)o$'
