GNU assembler
AT&T syntax
.globl _start
# Load RAX register with syscall number
mov $60, %rax # 60 is syscall number for exit()
# mov $231, %rax # 231 is syscall number for exit_group()
# Load RDI (first argument), for exit(),
# this is the status code.
mov $42, %rdi # exit status code
Compile this source with
gcc -nostdlib -o prog prog.s
Intel syntax
In order to write an assembler source for the GNU assembler in intel syntax, the
.intel_syntax noprefix
directive is required:
.intel_syntax noprefix
.globl _start
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 42
This source is compiled with the exactly same command as the AT&T source.
section .text
global _start
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 42
Compile and link with the following two commands:
nasm -felf64 prog.nasm -o prog.o
ld prog.o -o prog
The same source can also be compiled with yasm -felf64 …