Iterate over arguments
The following simple script iterates over each argument given to a (console) VBScript script:
option explicit
wscript.echo "You gave " & wscript.arguments.count & " arguments."
dim argNo
for argNo = 1 to wScript.arguments.count
wscript.echo "Argument " & argNo & " is: " & wScript.arguments(argNo-1)
It might be invoked such as
c:\> cscript iterate.vbs hello world etc.
Note, if a named argument is used (/val:42
), this counts as one argument.
Checking for named arguments
The following script checks which of the named arguments foo
, bar
and baz
is given to a script.
Named arguments have the form /argName:value
In order to explicitly give no value, /argName:
might be used.
option explicit
dim namedArgs
set namedArgs = wscript.arguments.named
dim paramName
for each paramName in array("foo", "bar", "baz")
' Check if paramName was specified when script
' was invoked:
if namedArgs.exists(paramName) then
wscript.echo "Value for " & paramName & " = " & namedArgs(paramName)
wscript.echo "No value given for " & paramName
end if
Optional arguments
In order for /opt
arguments to be truly optional, the other (mandatory) arguments must be accessed via arguments.unnamed(…)
option explicit
wscript.echo "1st non-optional paramter: " & wscript.arguments.unnamed(0)
wscript.echo "2nd non-optional paramter: " & wscript.arguments.unnamed(1)
if wscript.arguments.named.exists("opt") then
wscript.echo "opt was chosen"
end if